How can I hang a large, heavy mirror on the wall?

Susan pine
by Susan pine

i have a large heavy mirror. how should i hang it on the wall?

  5 answers
  • Tinyshoes Tinyshoes on Nov 21, 2018

    Susan...We used a large nail and make sure you are in a stud

  • Lisa S. Lisa S. on Nov 21, 2018

    You may want to use two lead anchors driven into the wall, with screws to attach. These are sold in sets at the hardware store. This is how I hung mine. Two helps to distribute the weight .

  • Jan Clark Jan Clark on Nov 21, 2018

    Susan, you set yourself up for the snarky answer: carefully! However, I would make sure I have good support on the back of the mirror - a nice heavy wire attached to screw eyes in the frame - or some other equally strong method attached to the frame in multiple places. As for the wall, if this piece is incredibly heavy, use wall anchors or molly bolts if you intend to hang the wire from screw heads. If you want to use regular picture hangers, I would check out the Ook brand (available a places like Walmart and craft stores) and use one and a half times the amount of hook strength they recommend. No less than two hooks spread as far apart as you can. The idea is to widen the weight load so that you don't have it pulling from just one point - either from the frame or from the wall.

  • Go to your local hardware store and get drywall screws. I hung a large wall mirror with them and they hold lots of weight.

  • Cindy Cindy on Nov 21, 2018

    When hanging anything heavy like your mirror, you should use anchors in the studs inside your wall. That way you can be sure that it won't fall off of the wall. Good luck Susan and Happy Thanksgiving.