Asked on Aug 13, 2014

Hanging pictures high on stairway wall

by Shelly
Any idea how I can get high up on the wall when its my stairway?
  7 answers
  • Purchase or rent a Little Giant ladder. These are great for exactly that type of project.
  • Jim L Jim L on Aug 14, 2014
    As a designer, I discourage clients from hanging are in the stair-well. No one stops to look at it and where do you stop it? To me, it is just "clutter" there. How about hanging on one wall of a hall or in a family room...
  • Paulette Rogers Paulette Rogers on Jul 26, 2015
    I have collage frames of family members, wedding, etc. Everyone who comes in looks at them. I say go for it.
  • Karen Karen on Aug 03, 2015
    There are adjustable "elevators" you can buy for what will be the low side of the ladder; I got some and used in my VERY high stairwell a few years back. Instead of a gallery style décor, though, I made a large wood frame and then attached an attractive semi-abstract tablecloth as a canvas. I got raves on it, people wanting to know where I bought it! My inspiration was one I had decades ago that came with a marimekko (sp?) fabric print.
  • Sandra Sandra on Nov 04, 2015
    I have a gallery wall with some of my favorite travel pics on it...I don't care if anyone else stops to look at them, I do, and am reminded of great times every time I do! I'm short, and terrified of heights, so a ladder was out of the question. I put the larger pics at the top, where I used two extension poles (for painting) and some painters tape. I lightly taped a nail at the top of one pole and tightly taped a small hammer to the other. It worked really well. Then, all I had to do was lift the larger pics up and onto the nail. The best part? I lived to tell you about it! Good luck!
    • Sandra Sandra on May 11, 2017

      Great idea! You could also use those extender poles for putting in light bulbs in vaulted ceilings...or extension tree limb cutters...correct???? I will NOT get up on a ladder either!!

  • I have a switch back stairwell. Honestly, I just eyeballed my items and hung them with no rhyme or reason. Why? After my mom passed I started bring stuff home from her house. My home was starting to look like a hoarder house (her house was over 3,000 sq. ft., mine 1,189 see where I am going?), and no room to pile stuff so I just slapped up on the walls. Guests actually like it - so it must not be too bad!

    Now there are guidelines but I say if it looks good to you, go for it.

  • Redcatcec Redcatcec on Jan 07, 2023

    Hang them lower so all can enjoy without any risk of heights.