How to mod podge coloring pages with water soluble ink?

by Nancy
I want to mod podge coloring pages the kids did with washable markers and pens. Is there some kind of fixative that will stop the inks from running? Thanks

  4 answers
  • Teresa Barham Teresa Barham on May 06, 2018


  • 16999903 16999903 on May 06, 2018

    Spray your pages with hairspray several times. Allow it to dry well between spraying. It should seal the colors. It will look dark at first, but should lighten when dry. Try it on a corner or piece you don't want to save to make sure you get the effect you want.

  • Nancy Nancy on May 06, 2018

    thanks very much

  • Emily Emily on May 06, 2018

    there is a fixitive which will keep colors from running but the pages of a coloring book are very porous so I would advise getting a book and experimenting. I would suggest putting in plastic sleeves and displaying that way.