Is it possible to turn old white metal bunk bed to look like a tree?

Jim Hull
by Jim Hull
I have an old metal bunk bed that was our daughter's, now she has two boys and I want to transform the old metal frame to look like a tree house or just made of tree for my grandsons. I am trying to go with woodland theme, any ideas please.
  4 answers
  • Julie Moyna Julie Moyna on Jun 16, 2015
    Anything is possible. Check keywords in Pinterest maybe?
  • Laura Laura on Jun 16, 2015
    I think I would start by painting the frame either a dark bark color or a forest green. That might help get the ideas flowing. Ignore the obvious girliness of this example! I found it on a blog once while looking for bunk bed ideas and I think it would work perfectly for what you are wanting to do. Dark brown or green frame and change the fabric out to something like a camouflage print maybe? Here is the link to where i found it:
    comment photo
  • Moxie Moxie on Jun 16, 2015
    Maybe you could make a fabric curtain to hang from the ceiling that looks the wood siding by painting the wood grain on with a rocker tool on the long edge and on the end or where the ladder goes leave an opening like a door. Juice up the ladder to be more reminiscent of a tree house ladder in some way. Paint the metal to look like bark and paint the walls beyond like tree branches and leaves or get a wall paper mural or the vinyl stick on trees. Maybe a pillow or two that looks like bird nest - perhaps a mini swing off to the side off of a "branch". Add things that a tree house would have...or perhaps a platform entry to the "house" built adjacent that could double as desks underneath...just some random ideas..I hope they help get your thoughts going...good luck!
  • Pgl Pgl on Jun 16, 2015
    Paint brown then use a darker brown and a sponge to create bark. take the caps off the end of the bed poles or drill holes in top end, now you can work on branches. I would definitely make on large branch using heavy wire to mend from one pole to another use dollar store greenery for leaves and wrap the wire in a brown cheap cotton From there with the help of the greenery and drill you can add them were ever you want. I did similar making a bunk bed into a fairy garden.