How to seal a leaky porch?

Nik Knacks
by Nik Knacks
Ack! So while doing some spring cleaning this weekend, I hosed off the front porch and vinyl siding... I then found, to my chagrin, that the water leaked at SEVERAL points down into my basement.
We can't afford to replace our porch yet, so I need to do something to stop leaks, potential rot, and whatever the heck else may be wrong. Thoughts?
The house itself is a 1909 build with an inset porch and corner wood support (rotting, and I hope to someone that it is decorative and not structural). The house was raised in the forties and a full concrete basement poured in. The porch itself is just plywood sitting on the concrete base. In looking up from the basement, I can clearly see daylight out of one hole, which I will be sealing with expanding foam.
But what can I do on the top side? Caulk all seams where vinyl siding meets the floor? Add another layer of plywood? Exterior paint? What would you do?
...and if you have any tips/tricks for dealing with the corner post above, I'd be especially grateful. Thank you!
  4 answers
  • Hope Williams Hope Williams on Mar 30, 2015
    First, when sealing the hole with light through it, put some steel wool in there also to prevent rodent invasion. Second, go to big box store or machine shop and get a piece of sheet metal that goes the length of the porch. Bend it so that half goes up under the siding and the other under the plywood. Tack it where possible. Caulk or seal it with outdoor sealer. That should hold you for a while. As far as the rotting posts, be sure they are NOT support before installing just decorative columns. They do make gorgeous support columns too. Hope this helps, Hope
    • See 4 previous
    • Hope Williams Hope Williams on Mar 30, 2015
      This is the bracket. It hooks one to another. If it's rotted into the ground, I can get you a pic of the concrete pad thingy the new piece will sit on. It really is pretty easy to do just time consuming.
      comment photo
  • Handy Lady Red Handy Lady Red on Mar 30, 2015
    Without pics its hard to get a clear idea of the damage could you take some?
    • See 3 previous
    • Handy Lady Red Handy Lady Red on Apr 01, 2015
      To Raze the side you just scab on a board to the side of the house that is 1/2" higher than where the floor is and you do it when you replace a piece of plywood I would use marine plywood. Its not as hard as it sounds.
  • Darla Darla on Mar 30, 2015
    If your roof gutters are good and not blocked, and you haven't had problems before, you should be fine. You should probably get that corner post replaced, though.
    • Nik Knacks Nik Knacks on Mar 30, 2015
      Well, we just had the roof and gutters done, but there is no overhang over the exterior of the porch, so the outer edges get leaky during every hard rain - otherwise I could definitely see what you mean. Thank you for your input!
  • Duv310660 Duv310660 on Mar 30, 2015
    Figuring out where the water is getting in is key; in the meantime minimize the recent damage by using a dehumidifier.