Asked on Oct 25, 2017

Slippery deck-Need a sealer that is not slippery- Help!!

by Betty
Got my back deck clean .Need a good sealer try Thompson's twice .make it really slippery .oil would not soak in every time it rained had to sweep off .my husband slipped down the steps.we use our deck every day .Need a sealer that is not slippery .Need help .

  10 answers
  • 27524803 27524803 on Oct 25, 2017

    Behr makes a product called Deck Over... make just for decks

  • Ebbjdl Ebbjdl on Oct 25, 2017

    First I would have it power washed, then check with the paint department for a sealer, that won't cause this problem.

  • William William on Oct 25, 2017

    I have been advising many members not to use these deck over products. They tend to crack and peel within two years. There are and have been class action lawsuits against the manufacturers. Some members have used the products and it's become a nightmare. Hard to remove when it cracks and peels. Some had to replace deck boards and/or replace complete decks. These are new products that have not been tested for the long term in real life environment but in a factory controlled setting.

    • Betty Betty on Oct 26, 2017

      Thanks so much for the information .my brother told me maybe restore would work .I am so glad you answer my question . Saved me a lot of work and money .I will come up with something .thanks again for your time .

  • William William on Oct 25, 2017

    You can try anti slip deck stain for deck. It has abrasives mixed in it to prevent decks from being slippery.

  • Ilene Ilene on Oct 26, 2017

    Go to a Marine store. They have many options available. You may have to power wash or sand your deck to get the current coating off. Well worth it. You don't want a fall!

  • William William on Oct 26, 2017

    Here are responces to what one Hometalker did. Seems like a lot of Hometalkers have use these and have a lot of horror stories.

  • William William on Oct 26, 2017

    I'm not sure why Thompson water seal didn't get absorbed into the deck. Only reason the boards were wet. There is non slip stain that has grit in it to make decks less slippery. There also is a grit type product that can be added paint and stain to make it non slip. Another option is to use stick on no slip strips on the steps and anywhere it can be slippery.

  • Mjp49198349 Mjp49198349 on Jun 21, 2020

    i just installed a new deck and used valspsar sealer now it's very slippery what can I use to correct this? They said not to use another chemical on it

  • Cynthia H Cynthia H on Dec 04, 2020

    Wow! It sounds like some deck sealing is slippery! If the manufacturer is no help, I, would use the additive over the current finish and/_or use some runners especially on steps. Stay safe!