What are the trees called that have cotton ball looking blossoms?

by Kay
What are the wonderful trees I see every spring they have white "Cotton ball" looking blossoms. I would love one in my yard.
  7 answers
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on May 29, 2017

    Bradford pear,dogwood

  • Shoshana Shoshana on May 30, 2017

    Sounds like it could be a Bradford. Something like this?

    comment photo
  • Ellis Ellis on May 30, 2017

    Bradford pears have fallen out of favor because of their tendency to split at branch crotch. My entire neighborhood was planted with them years ago, now they are all gone due to splitting...sometimes half the tree would break off in a storm. Try a disease resistant dogwood, or a magnolia, maybe? Star magnolia is pretty. Look online for ideas.

  • Bill Wessels Bill Wessels on May 30, 2017

    Tulip bush, a hybrid magnolia has magnificent huge tulip flowers for thirty days and then it leafs out to look like any other magnolia but it looses its leaves in the fall. Mine was about 15 feet in diameter and 15 to 20 feet tall. People always stopped their cars for photos when it was in bloom. Mine had red flowers.

  • Sharronleeh Sharronleeh on May 30, 2017

    I think its a mimosa tree

  • Msd17978750 Msd17978750 on May 30, 2017

    My mom had a large shrub/small tree called a snowball tree. I suspect that's what you mean.

  • Wat7859158 Wat7859158 on May 30, 2017

    I think the common name is a snowball bush