How do you permanently kill six walnut trees?
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I have the exact same problem, not only do the squirrels drop them, they roll into or down to any spot that will root them, and the roots travel and are almost impossible to get rid of. Cutting them down and immediately wrap the stump with aluminum foil and try to band it to hold in a mix of salt, preferably rock salt as rain will dissolve table salt too quick, and a good weed killer or stump killer and cover with a cloth to stop heavy rains wash away the mix and allow just enough water to seep to the roots. Apply this several times a week for an amount of time that it causes the stump to turn gray looking, that will be how to tell it's dead. You have to keep applying as this is one tough tree to kill. Usually seedling sized ones will die if pulled before matureing if you get the whole tap root, if not they'll be back.
Oh, and as for the larger trees, you need to cut into the center of the stump by making a divet deep enough to hold whatever you are using, but remember, persistence is the answer, you have to keep applying the killing product until you see results, the greying of the wood.