Does anyone have an idea on how to support my tall lavatera flowers?

by Joan
I have tried putting a small fence to support the vines but they keep falling over. Any ideas?
  12 answers
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Jul 27, 2015
    maybe a peony cage or a tomato cage
  • Connie Hoge Connie Hoge on Jul 27, 2015
    A solidly driven in fencepost at each end and in the middle of the row, then use green garden twine to weave between and around the plants, tying off to the stakes.
    • Joan Joan on Jul 28, 2015
      @Connie Hoge I am trying your suggestion. I will let you know how it works. thanks
  • Chrystine Dimitry Chrystine Dimitry on Jul 27, 2015
    The tomato cage idea seems to be the best, and the least expensive, as well. One for each plant at the beginning of the growing season, and Bob's yer uncle, as they say in the UK. ;)
  • Joan Joan on Jul 27, 2015
    Sorry no idea, but I had to tell you they are very pretty!
  • CATHY CATHY on Jul 27, 2015
    I save branches cut off my butterfly bushes or use cane poles I find at garage sales. I just soften the ground with water and stick the end of the branch in the ground as deep as I can. Then, cut old panty hose in strips and tie the bush up by attaching it to the vine to the branch (or pole) with the stripes from the hose. Tie loose knots so the vine doesn't become "tangled" or the growth isn't impeded. Good luck,!
  • Marie Campbell Marie Campbell on Jul 27, 2015
    I get these at Dollar General they are singles.. I use them for my mums. Also at Home Depot they have the double ones, which are taller.. I also use them on the mums that grow real big and tall. Three stakes go intro the ground which support the ring that is attached. Hint before the plant grows I place these at the bottom and the plant grows into it! Sometime I use little garden fences to support the front of the plant.
    comment photo
  • Suedumm Suedumm on Jul 28, 2015
    Your flowers are beautiful. Can you find some old tree branches? They look natural stuck in with the flowers and the branches offer a lot of support...sometimes with a few ties here and there for help. You may have to reinforce the bottom of the branch with a metal or garden pole to give it more strength.
  • Jon.murphy Jon.murphy on Jul 28, 2015
    I use a simple wire band to hold back flowere and anything esse..Get a nonrusting wire ,copper alloy of stailess or from your hardware store they have nonrusting wire.. U can use the same wire for many years.. Jon/engineer
  • Doris H Doris H on Jul 28, 2015
    Would tomato cages work? Beautiful
  • Missy Capone - Schweizer Missy Capone - Schweizer on Jul 30, 2015
    try lattice or trellis then tie the soft strings to stems .. hope it helps
  • Joan Joan on Jul 30, 2015
    Thank you very much for your suggestions I have supported my flowers with wood spikes and green twine. I will try the other suggestions next year