How to transplant a weeping willow tree that is 5 ft tall?

by Carol
  3 answers
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Jun 06, 2017

    Dig wide around the base of the tree being careful not to cut the roots.Have the new hole ready and make sure it is twice the size of the current base.Add peat moss in the bottom and the tree filling up the soil to the top and pressing down to release any air pockets.Keep well watered until the roots re-take. Caution transplanting should be done in early spring or fall unless your area is still cool enough so the tree does not go into unnecessary shock.

  • Jan Clark Jan Clark on Jun 06, 2017

    This is still a baby, so I would wait until the beginning of the coolest season you have to move it. About 8 weeks before then, start to create a root ball by simply slicing the dirt straight down around the drip line or a little wider. This will encourage the roots to stay close to the trunk. Once the tree has dropped it's leaves, transplant it to it's new home by carefully cleaving your root ball from the ground and moving it, keeping as much original soil as possible. (wrap it or put it in an old pot).

    The new spot should be dug at least twice as large as the root ball and prepped with a good compost planting mix to encourage root growth once the tree is growing again. Keep the top of the root ball at ground level. Stake the trunk so it stays upright and make sure you water it through the cool months. Check the internet for your type of willow to determine if it needs any extra TLC. Happy transplanting!

  • Brenda Brenda on Jun 06, 2017

    Have a professional do it. Only one third of trees that are transplanted at that size will survive.