Asked on Jul 28, 2013

My loquat tree puts on blossoms but does not bear fruits.

Joseth Scott
by Joseth Scott
I planted a loquat tree six years ago when I moved here to Hinesville, GA. The past three years it has put on blossoms & tiny fruits but they dry up before reaching maturity. The tree itself looks very healthy, an occasional yellow leaf, otherwise lush green leaves. There are no blossoms at this time as maybe it is not yet the season. Is there something extra I should be doing for this tree?
  16 answers
  • Douglas Hunt Douglas Hunt on Jul 29, 2013
    It sounds like you have a pollination issue—bees usually do this—or you have a cultivar that is not self-fertile, meaning you would need another loquat to set fruit. You might check with the nursery you purchased your tree from.
  • Joseth Scott Joseth Scott on Jul 29, 2013
    Thanks Douglas. Pollination definitely is not the problem because BEES I have. I was hoping I would not have to purchase a companion plant as the price has doubled since I got that one(: It did put out more blossoms last time, so I'm hoping I'll luck out this year:)
  • 360 Sod (Donna Dixson) 360 Sod (Donna Dixson) on Jul 29, 2013
    I wonder if you are getting too cold at some point that damages the fruit? Seems like a recall that being a problem with Loquat, I will have to see IF I can find the article I remember reading on that. ....
  • 360 Sod (Donna Dixson) 360 Sod (Donna Dixson) on Jul 29, 2013
    Not sure how cold you get in Hinesville, but here is the information I remembered reading :)
  • Leona G Leona G on Jul 30, 2013
    Don't know if this would have anything to do with fruiting but the mulch/dirt at the base of the tree is to close to the trunk and needs to be pulled back. The tree is relatively young. I have one that is almost 5 years old and hasn't fruited yet so it could be a matter of just waiting. Also are you fertilizing it? You probably don't need to as the roots are out in your grass and if you fertilize your grass it should be getting enough nutrients. Good luck.
  • Catherine Smith Catherine Smith on Jul 30, 2013
    Leona is right. You have a small mulch "volcano" going around the base. Only mulch up to about 3 to 4 inches. The base needs room to "breath". You might also check with your local extension office as the agent should be able to more readily pinpoint the problem and offer suggestions on a solution. They can tap into broader expert resources for these type of questions.
  • Brendan Poynter Brendan Poynter on Jul 30, 2013
    Hi Jose, Your tree is 2 years passed its fruit "due date" and it should be able to bear fruit. Normally trees like this start to bear fruit at year 4. Leona is right, You will want to keep the mulch 8 to 12 inches away from the trunk and over the root zone because it needs great irrigation. You may want to fertilize the tree 2 times a year to improve growth, use tree fertilizer, not garden. You will need to irrigate and water the tree during the fruit production season and dry spells to help production.
  • Joseth Scott Joseth Scott on Jul 30, 2013
    Thanks you guys for all your advice and suggestions. You know Donna D. I never thought of the cold being a factor, I'll definitely pay attention to that this winter. Temp gets down to the 30s here in Hinesville. To Leona G & Catherine S, no, that is not mulch around the tree, I place those wood there to prevent it being damaged by the mower. Thanks for your suggestion about fertilizing Brendan, I did so for the first time this spring with "Citrus & Avocado" plant food, a 12-5-8. Hopefully I'll have better luck this year, & the tree has not passed its "fruiting" prime:)
  • Catherine Smith Catherine Smith on Jul 31, 2013
    Jose, wasn't talking about the "logs". If that's not mulch around the inner side of them, then you need to do some weeding, my friend. That sort of thing also pulls nutrients that could be used by your tree.
  • Joseth Scott Joseth Scott on Jul 31, 2013
    Thanks Catherine, I am most definitely going to pay more and better attention to those little details. Hopefully your advice and m y efforts will "bing fruits"
  • Brian May Brian May on Mar 27, 2015
    i have one no fruit 4 years 12 feet tall that's it
  • Ruby Ruby on Mar 30, 2015
    I also have 2 Loquat trees (established ones, when I got the house) that would bear a lot of flowers that turn to small fruits then dry out. I live in Texas which goes down below zero during Winter. My daughter also has 2 trees in her backyard in SanJose, California and it bears lots of fruits, very sweet ones. So I think there is something to do with the cold weather.
  • Sarah Sarah on Apr 28, 2018

    hi, I live in Northern California east bay. I have a Loquat tree that came with the house. the previous owner said it was just ornamental since it bloomed, but no fruits(not even the small ones). the tree has been pruned last year, the new leaves that came are great and flowering was great. Again no fruits this year. how do i fix this? i have plenty of Bees that come to the lemon and orange trees. the soil is a bit clayish as it is sticky soil. is this the culprit?

  • James Hare James Hare on Oct 23, 2018

    I’m having same troubles. All blooms and no fruit. We have 2 trees about 8-10yrs old. Very healthy but still no fruit. What do I do?

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  • James Hare James Hare on Oct 26, 2018

    Trees are around 10yrs old and has never produced fruit only blooms. What should I do???

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  • Kim Evans Kim Evans on Jun 10, 2020

    I know this thread is kinda old but didn’t want to start a new one. Just bought house in Feb. came with 2 very mature trees. They are on the north and south corners of the pool against a fence to the East. The house had been vacant for more than a year so leaf debris was 6” deep along the fence and around the trees. Between the 2 there is also 2 holly bushes and 2 privet that were all very overgrown (6-10ft). The first of April there were 3 edible fruits on the south tree, none on the north. The north tree also shows signs of older sapsucker damage. The entire area has now been cleaned out, the bushes pruned down, a nuisance oak tree removed. I am seeing new leaf growth coming the centers of leaf bunches but half of them are now beginning to deform. Embarrassed to say that as a Master Gardener I had never even heard of these trees before we bought the house so I’m learning as I go. I have contacted my agent to do a home visit but with covid it may be awhile before she can get out here. So I’ve attached photos and I’m hoping you experts can help. TIA.

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