Asked on Sep 19, 2016

New hibiscus leaves are shriveling up and looking burnt

I just purchased two hibiscus. They are planted next to each other. I live in Arizona and it's pretty hot. I covered up both with a sheet about four feet above them. I water them real good every day. One is ok and the other's leaves are turning a dark brown and white. It starts in the center of the leaves. They are shriveling up. This is the second hibiscus I got at home depot that have done the same thing. I'm pretty confused about this and am tired of taking these back and getting new ones.
these are cut from the hibiscus..on plant of course was the same..lots of them
  18 answers
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Sep 20, 2016
    Why did you cover the plants?
  • Tan5227879 Tan5227879 on Sep 20, 2016
    Looks like burn: sun or chemical (incecticide, herbicide...). Is it possible?
  • Marlene Haigh Marlene Haigh on Sep 20, 2016
    could be too dry or planted too close together
  • Barbara C Barbara C on Sep 20, 2016
    Could be drowning them. Are they suitable for your planting zone?
  • Lou Ann Rogers Lou Ann Rogers on Sep 20, 2016
    spider mites
  • Crystal Cochrane Crystal Cochrane on Sep 20, 2016
    could be in shock from transplanting. Mix epsom salt and water till the salt dissolves and water your plants it will help
  • Jba7076471 Jba7076471 on Sep 20, 2016
    I also live in AZ and have hibiscus; they are in big pots under a patio cover. I have had them about four years. I water once a week or when the leaves tell me they are thirsty. I cut them back in the fall and spring and have had no problem with them. Also, purchased at Home Depot.
  • Pamela Koleas Pamela Koleas on Sep 20, 2016
    Epsom salt will make the leaves happy. Mix a couple of tablespoons into a gallon of water.
  • Debra Debra on Sep 20, 2016
    They might be in shock. I transplated a small one from one spot in my yard to another. After I transplanted it the leaves did the same as yours--all of the leaves. I just left the bare little tree alone--didn't pull it out of the ground and sometime later noticed it was getting new leaves. It was a miracle because it looked completely dead.
  • V Nichols V Nichols on Sep 20, 2016
    Coffee grounds and egg shells spread onto the soil around your plants, once every week or two will help get them healthy again. My grandma's old trick for her garden, plants and fruit trees.
  • Jacqueline duhart Jacqueline duhart on Sep 20, 2016
    It sounds like a insect problem. I had a similar problem and tried many natural suggestions found through Google. However, none worked. Continued researching and found Bayer Advanced 12 Month Tree & Shrub. I used the granules and within a week I saw improvement. The two hibiscus plants affected are fine.
  • Marilyn Weaver Marilyn Weaver on Sep 20, 2016
    I also live in Az., our water tends to be somewhat "salty", whether it's well water or city water. This looks a lot like "salt burn". Flushing the built up salts out of the soil is helpful, but difficult if planted in the ground and not pots. Contact your local County Extension office, they probably have Master Gardeners who can pin point the problem and help you resolve it - and it's free expert advice! They are familiar with local conditions and happy to help :)
  • Cynthia Tyler Cynthia Tyler on Sep 20, 2016
    With any new planting you have to be patient. I live in central Florida and have the same thing happening. I water and watch and just know my beautiful hibiscus will be Gorgeous next year. Hang in there:)
  • Libby Crosby Libby Crosby on Sep 20, 2016
    turn the leaves over and see if you see tiny tiny white mites on them. HD has a problem with their hibiscus and mites
  • Monique Clouatre Monique Clouatre on Sep 20, 2016
    When lèves turn brown it means you water too much, too often. Let dry before watering again. Good luck, Monique.
  • Ars10359034 Ars10359034 on Sep 21, 2016
    after planting do not put too much water.
  • Deanna Nassar Deanna Nassar on Sep 21, 2016
    Should only water when soil gets dry. Mist the leaves with just plain water.
  • Gary Antosh Gary Antosh on Sep 23, 2016
    To me that looks like sunburn. Any possibility something could be reflecting and burning the leaves. It doesn't look like a insect issue. Where are they sitting or planted? This post may help: Here's another: