Can green beans be grown in pot?

by Sharronleeh
  7 answers
  • If you have a really big pot, yes, are you doing bush beans or pole beans?

  • Elizabeth Dion Elizabeth Dion on May 27, 2017

    I have done it, but you'll only be able to put 2-3 plants per pot. The larger the pot the better.

  • Marcie Marcie on May 27, 2017

    Yes, but you will need something for them to climb. Even bush beans need a little support help in a pot.

  • Judy Judy on May 27, 2017

    Only if it is a huge pot. Like a pot that is usually used for flowers, or a crock that is used for flowers. Be sure to put stones in the bottom, then soil, and then the seeds. This will give them drainage, and lots of room to grow. Best wishes, Judy.

  • Cori Widen Cori Widen on May 28, 2017

    If you havea very big pot, you can manage!

  • Sharronleeh Sharronleeh on May 30, 2017

    12 inches deep and 14 wide?

  • Judy Judy on May 30, 2017

    OK, this is fine, just plant, with stones in the bottom, then mulch, and good black dirt, then the plant. Continue to put the soil within the pot, and then water lightly when done. If you get done in the evening, water lightly, if you finish in the morn., then water it before 11:00 AM, and I would keep it in a slightly sunny/shaded area, until it gets used to being outside in the sunshine. Not all plants can take the heat of the sun, so watch this carefully, if it seems to wilt, then try to keep it on the east side of the porch, and then it will cool off for the afternoon part of the day. Best wishes, Judy.