I'm a preschool teacher and I need ideas to help make low cost garden

by Elizabeth
  6 answers
  • Call around or show up in person if possible, as some places will donate supplies to educate your kids. Have a note from the principal of the school, or at least have them available to verify your lessons for the wee ones. You would be surprised. I had a teacher at a home improvement store gathering supplies once - tons of shoppers pitched in and purchased everything she needed, the lady was in tears and the store delivered to the school for free - people will help, you just need to ask! Her class was older and she taught them to write thank you notes. Each child wrote a note to the store and anonymous helpers. They were on display at the store. Very cool.

  • Linda Sikut Linda Sikut on Jun 19, 2017

    That is very cool! Will the school be able to help with this project? I know that our elementary school has several raised beds and the kids (and their teacher) work the garden and learn how their food grows. They use the food they grow on their lunch menu.


  • Norris720 Norris720 on Jun 20, 2017

    You can use plastic water bottle to start your seeds.

  • Annmarie Annmarie on Jun 20, 2017

    Kids love beans that germinate in a plastic tray lined with wet paper - as long as there's water in the tray, the beans will grow for about a week or so.

    Over the weekend or holiday, put a large container of water on a shelf above the tray and use a strip of fabric to use as a siphon allowing water to go down to the germinated tray so the paper keeps damp.

  • Cori Widen Cori Widen on Jun 20, 2017

    Very cool! My son is in kindergarten and he LOVEs his class garden. They started their seeds in egg shels and recycled bottles that all of the parents sent in. Good luck!