Palm tree peeling bark?
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Palm tree is shedding the bark. What to do?
Otherwise, it looks healthy. See pictures. Thank you.
It depends on the tree. But this is normal for palm trees. Some will reveal a smooth trunk as the bark peels off. Here in Palm Desert CA, the lower bark is removed as the tree grows.
A neighbor has two very large palm trees in his yard and the trunks look exactly like this. Over the winter months the trees turned brown and I thought they were dead, but now a couple of months later I see that they are just as green as last year and look wonderful.
In Florida, when we lived there, it looked like the peeling is where old fronds have come off and the rest of the frond eventually peels away from the trunk. It should be fine, I think it adds interest to the tree with that look.
Just peel it all off and use a pliers if you have to...looks much neate.
The are what's left of the old, dead fronds. You can shave them off yourself, have it done professionally or, when they get old and loose enough, peel them off. If you have it done professionally, they will shave the stubs off up to the green fronds up top for a clean, neater look.
I don’t anything about palms, but I think the tree is very artistic by nature. Very cool.
This is natural and normal for palm trees. I would not do anything to it, so far as shaving it. When the old fronds get loose enough, just pull them off.
Yes, this is normal. I'll add in that you should fertilize the palms with Epsom Salt around the base but set out as far as the fronds go. This should be done 4x/year using 2-4 lbs. per tree. I do this in April, July, October, January.
Another note: I use the fluffy inside part that peels away to shield my outdoor orchid roots from too much sun. I feel there must be some nutrients in this (it's similar to coco coir but not compressed) as the orchids LOVE it!