What is the best way to grow tomatoes in a patio pot?

by Sharon
We have attempted many times to grown tomatoes in a pot on our patio. Anyone have tips as we are never successful

  5 answers
  • Lana Hassell Lana Hassell on Mar 05, 2018

    Sharon, my husband is a Master Gardner and he grows 5 or 6 kinds of tomatoes in lots each year, from Big Boys to little cherry tomatoes. You need a large pot that has good drainage, good soil, tomato food from nursey, water, lots of sunshine and that should do it. We grow all of my herbs in pots. He even grows squash, peppers, artichokes, beans,etc. in pots . Such fun. Good luck.

  • Vio11052691 Vio11052691 on Mar 05, 2018

    I had the best tomato plants ever ( fresh tomatoes for Thanksgiving) the year I put tomato watering rings around the plants. Dry fertilizer can be placed in the ring weekly and water stays in the ring for several hours slowly seeping into the roots. Especially important in hot areas like Texas where I live. There are many choices online. Search tomato watering ring. Good luck.

  • Debby Dale Debby Dale on Mar 05, 2018

    I put in a large pot with good drainage. Then I put a clean unused baby diaper in bottom of pot and place soil half way up. I remove all branches from the roots up to the last three or four on top. I place the plant as deep as I can, covering as much of the stem as I can up to the same area where I cut off the branches. I water well and keep track of the soil moisture. I use egg shells, epsom salt and coffee grounds at least once a week when I water them. I also use a spray of water, dawn dishwashing detergent and cayenne pepper to discourage bugs and other varmints that want to eat my plants.

  • Nancy Turner Nancy Turner on Mar 05, 2018

    I use a huge pot, I always take the bottom saucer out as it may hold water in the bottom that it doesn't drain out and make sure the drain holes are then sufficient to drain well. A lot of large pots don't have the drain holes opened until you drill them out. I used potting soil with some peat moss mixed in. I usually bury half or more of the tomato, depending on how large the plant is. Once planted I fertilize with a good tomato/vegetable extended release fertilizer. On really hot days, I water up to twice a day with a gallon of water. If the plant looks like it is wilting, it most likely is needing water, but it will also wilt if it has too much. Once the tomatoes have developed and are showing a little sign of changing color, go to your local greenhouse and get a spray bottle of foliar calcium. Blossom end rot will start to show up once they start turning red. Potted tomatoes tend to be deficient in calcium as it is washed out of the pot fairly quickly with frequent watering. By spraying it on the leaves, it gets to the tomatoes quickly and will prevent the rot from occurring. Reapply as the directions instruct. My patio early girl tomato I planted last year was five foot without the two foot high pot! I had to use a step stool or my hubby to get at the tomatoes at the top. I must have had a hundred tomatoes off that plant! I did find that when it was really hot, if I rolled it out of the sun for part of the afternoon it did real good and it didn't cause a problem with the plant at all. I use a minimum 24 inch pot for each tomato plant. That gives plenty of root growth room for a healthy plant to produce plenty of fruits. Don't foliar feed the plant, except for the calcium supplement, it will cause you to have a great green plant and little produce. Veggie plants need the root fertilized, not the leaves. I hope this helps! If you have any other questions, we are here to help you, just ask.