How can I lighten up this kitchen?

by MarJean
theres one window and the hallway going to the garage. The cabinets are well made and I can’t afford to buy new ones. We’ve painted the walls a light color but it still seems dark. I turned the light on in the hallway so you could see the cabinets.
Hallway to garage.
  12 answers
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Mar 12, 2018

    White wash the cabinets for a lighter effect

    • MarJean MarJean on Mar 12, 2018

      Unfortunately I really dislike white wash...... I’m sorry.

  • Fiddledd224 Fiddledd224 on Mar 12, 2018


    I think you need to flip the color scheme from light walls and dark cabinets to the opposite. I would paint the cabinets a lighter color since they take up so much of your kitchen area, making it seem dark and cave-like. You don't need a drastic color change to make a huge difference. I would paint them one of the lighter gray colors in your countertops (and keep the handles - a perfect match!). Then I would paint the walls the darker of the grays, keeping the dark brown as your 3rd (accent) color. Would look gorgeous!

  • Kac32568501 Kac32568501 on Mar 12, 2018

    Unless you love the dark wood, you can paint the cabinets a light color. Maybe not the same color as you used on your walls but one in the same color family. Your tile is really nice, so you choose the lightest color from the tile for the paint color. If you don't want to paint, lights (lamps, wall sconces, under cabinet lights, etc.) placed strategically around the room will help.

  • Linda Sikut Linda Sikut on Mar 12, 2018

    Hi M450reb,

    I agree with Fiddledd224 except that I personally would paint them white then use another light color for the walls (perhaps the light gray). Any color will absorb some light. I have a light beige in my home on most of the walls but I noticed that my kitchen with the white cabinets seems to be the brightest room, even though there are only 2 small windows. Another option, perhaps on the wall across from the cabinets, if it's a plain wall, would be to install a mirror. Mirrors also reflect light and will help brighten up the area. Wishing you the best.

  • Susan krom Susan krom on Mar 12, 2018

    They are just looking made for a distressed look perhaps in a weathered gray? You could easily chalk paint them with very little effort or money. It needs no prep work other than taking off the hardware and you can start and stop as you have time. You can purchase a quart (about $20-30) which would be more than enough, and perhaps a tiny bottle of white or skip that and just do some light sanding and let some of the brown come through. You can get new cabinet pulls or just use the old as is or spray them another color if you want. After you find the color you like for cabinets make sure you seal them with a sealer or urethane in any gloss or matte finish so you can wash them. Test on inside of door first to make sure you like the color after you seal--it generally darkens . Also there is a paint made by Kilz, called Tribute--that you can use and it is more of a true paint look. I am using chalk on door fronts and then using the Kilz on inside as it is automatically sealed with that paint so saves me a step.

  • Jcraw Jcraw on Mar 12, 2018

    I think I’d try just painting the upper cabinets to start with. As suggested above, I’d use one of the tones in your counters. I’d also paint your door trim the same color. You have a lot of wood in the kitchen, and that wood trim

    makes the kitchen smaller. If it’s still not enough, paint the lower cabinets and pantry a slightly darker tone.

    Under-counter lighting is the easiest. Any number of battery-operated LED lights are now available. The mini Christmas lights can be bought online, varying lengths, and some are dimmable, which is ideal for a kitchen. Install with Velcro or computer cable clips.

  • Cindy Hagemann Cindy Hagemann on Mar 12, 2018

    Paint the cabinets - that would change the entire room!


    Sand them down with a 400 grit sanding block till they are to the color of your liking. Wipe the dust off with a micro fiber cloth well till all dust is completely gone. Then put a polyurethane on them.

  • Sass2050 Sass2050 on Mar 15, 2018

    I'd just paint the cabinets. LIGHTLY sand, just to score the finish, wipe them down with denatured alcohol. Prime with one coat of oil based primer. Paint with 2 coats latex. Topcoat with poly that won't yellow. Sounds like alot, but worth it in the end.

  • Cc Cc on Mar 15, 2018

    use mirrors for the back splash. get white accessories and that should help. flowers in a corner too.

  • Janet Janet on Mar 15, 2018

    Paint and mirrors lighten any space everytime

  • 17335038 17335038 on Mar 16, 2018

    The fastest, easiest, and cleanest way of brightening up a kitchen is to replace the old light fixtures with new, - either integrated-LED fixtures, or fixtures that take LED lightbulbs.

    From the picture, I can see that your present light is very yellowish. This is caused by old incandescent light bulbs, and fixture coverings that have darkened with age discoloration. The light is also very shadowy with dark circular areas. This is due to light bulbs that are insufficient wattage, and/or insufficient number of fixtures to adequately illuminate the whole area.

    Are your present light fixture coverings closed or open? With closed covers, one can not have bulbs over a higher wattage because the bulbs give off heat, and there is no where for the hot air to escape.

    LED lightbulbs however do not heat up, so there is a wider range of lightfixure styles that you can choose from. They all generally can be easily hooked up to the same wires where the old fixtures are installed.

    I think your cabinets look like they are in good condition. I would not try to alter them in any way at this point in time, especially trying to change them by painting them a distressed or whitewashed look.

    Update the light in the kitchen and hallway first, and see how it will brighten and add life and energy to the whole room. A good polishing to shine up the cabinets, and they too will look rejuvenated.