How do I refinish a porcelain kitchen sink?

by Judy

The finish is wearing off of the bottoms of my porcelain kitchen sinks. I really don't want to pay someone to replace these!

  2 answers
  • Lifestyles Homes Lifestyles Homes on Jan 06, 2019

    Kitchen sinks get more wear than any sink.

    I don’t think a DIY sink coating system will take the abuse.

    Pay yourself to replace them with Self Rimming stainless steel sinks. It’s not hard, just time consuming.

    Shop for the sinks a long time to make sure you’re getting the quality you deserve.

    Tools are easy:

    Teflon Tape, silicone caulk, caulk gun, plumbers pliers, crescent wrenches, pad to lay under the sink, as the sink cabinet edge is hard on the back. Work light too.

    You’ll need to turn off the circuit breaker for the garbage disposal and any other things down there like the dishwasher.

    Turn off the water at the main turn off, if there’s no shut offs under the sink. Back drain & let drip in an old dish pan.

    Take pictures of what it looked like before you start taking things apart. This is in case you forget when putting it back together.

    Read the instructions on the new sink before you start the project.

    You may need to buy a drain trim piece or drain tail piece, depending on what the sink comes with.

    Expect unforeseen conditions: rotten cabinet base, rusted pipes at transition into wall cavity and maybe more.

    Since kitchen sink faucets fail at the most rapid rate in the house, don’t forget that this is the time to replace it too, if it’s border-line.

  • Zard Pocleeb Zard Pocleeb on Jan 06, 2019

    You have a couple of options. There are kits you can buy to do the job such as the link below. These kits don’t normally give great results but it will at least cover up the bad spots. Option two is to hire a professional who specializes in this type of work. They are not cheap but it will probably be cheaper than buying a new sink and having it installed. A very good friend of mine was redoing a rental house he brought and he hired someone. The end results were flawless but it cost him $400. Because a sink is much smaller than a tub it would probably be cheaper. Just be sure to get references because I’ve also seen lots of bad jobs.