Need advice for kitchen cabinet makeover

Kerry Veen
by Kerry Veen
We have decided to paint our kitchen cabinets, but need to know which works better. Chalk paint or Rustoleum's kitchen cabinet kit? If you have used either your opinion would be helpful. Thank you.
  10 answers
  • Shari Shari on Mar 22, 2015
    I have used a homemade version, as well as the Annie Sloan brand, of chalk paint on furniture, but not cabinets. I am NOT a chalk paint fan based on my experience with it. I will probably never be using it on furniture again so I would never, EVER consider using it on kitchen cabinets. A lot of people do use it on kitchen cabinets and love it (for now) but I've read some posts right here on HomeTalk where others have used it in the kitchen (or on other projects) and hated it. Also, I'm not convinced it will hold up and look good, long term, to the abuse kitchen cabinets get day in and day out. Here's one link to a HT post about a negative chalk paint experience on cabinets: If you have never used chalk paint before, I would very strongly suggest you try it first on a small project, like an end table, a chair, or a small cabinet, to make sure you like it before you jump right into a big project like a whole kitchen.
    Stripping off A LOT of chalk paint
  • ACBowlds ACBowlds on Mar 23, 2015
    I agree about the AS chalk paint. I used it on my cabinets because I thought it would be much quicker and easier. I hated it. I could see brush strokes everywhere, and I hated the texture. You can get the brush strokes out by sanding and sanding and sanding...and make it smooth by waxing (with a buffer on the electric waxer). The only benefit is not having to prime...but the time you spend sanding and waxing makes priming a more attractive alternative. I re-painted my cabinets with BM Advance paint, which I highly recommend...levels itself, very little visible brush strokes, dries very hard, and cleans up with soap and water. Worth every penny. I have not ever used the Rustoleum product, so I can't give you an opinion on that. Good luck with your cabinets!
  • Eloise Eloise on Mar 23, 2015
    I used Rustoleum Cabinet Transformations on a bathroom vanity and was very pleased with the results. Easy to use, no sanding required, and little odor, so you don't have to open all the windows and use a fan. You may want to experiment on the inside of a cabinet door or a separate piece of wood to get an idea of the end result, especially if you go with a light color and decide to use the glaze included in the kit. If you decide to go Rustoleum, I would love to see a pix of the finished product.
  • Bal910844 Bal910844 on Mar 23, 2015
    Used rustoleum and turned out great. Only problem I had was paint chipping off around the knobs from use. Maybe make sure a heavy dose of sealant to be sure...
  • Toni Toni on Mar 23, 2015
    Chalk paint is great if you seal it.
  • MillyMolly MillyMolly on Mar 25, 2015
    I am a fan of General Finishes' gel stains which I used on my kitchen island, but there is high odor and it takes a long time to cure between coats. I had my cabinets done by a professional painter with regular paint and they have not lasted well. I have liked chalk paint on furniture but it sounds as if the Rustoleum kit has worked for a lot of people, not just those on here. I would look on Pinterest for other suggestions.
  • Kerry Veen Kerry Veen on Mar 26, 2015
    Thank you all. We have decided to try the Rustoleum. When we do it, I'll be sure to post pics.
  • Dia14123756 Dia14123756 on Nov 02, 2016
    Hi Kerry. How did you like the rustoleum?
  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on Jan 23, 2024

    I certainly would not use Chalk paint! I find Satin finish to give the best outcome. Use a roller.

  • Libbie B Libbie B on Jan 29, 2024

    I have used the Rustoleum cabinet kit, and it was easy to apply and has held up for four years.