How do I remove epoxy from countertop without ruining paint?

by Melissa

I recently painted my countertop using the giani paint kit and it came out great. I wanted a marble look so I went for an epoxy top coat for more shine (envirotex lite pour on). First this stuff was horrible to work with even with blow torch lighter blow dryer everything I still have little bubbles. My bigger problem though is that this epoxy coat has really yellowed and makes the counters look terrible, it has been about two weeks. I'd like to just remove it but I don't want to damage the paint underneath. Is this possible?

  4 answers
  • Michelle N. Michelle N. on Jul 30, 2018

    What material is the counter top?

  • Michelle N. Michelle N. on Jul 30, 2018

    How do I remove a failed Epoxy pour from a table top?
    • Melissa Melissa on Aug 15, 2018

      Thank you, I had seen that post and most people felt that any action would likely destroy the table (paint) underneath. The countertop is a laminate material but it has been painted with the Giani countertop paint kit then covered in the epoxy. I am going to see if I can sand it down a bit but not all the way down to the countertop.. I may end up with a botched paint job but I am not sure what else to do!

  • Bett Bett on Jul 11, 2019

    Melissa, I did the exact same thing you did--painted 2 bathroom counters with Giani paint to look like white marble --except that I used Parks Epoxy as the top coat. It looked great, for awhile. It started yellowing within 3 months and has progressively gotten worse. I've tried removing the yellow with bleach and peroxide. Nothing has helped. Did you try sanding yours down? If so, were you able to remove the yellowed epoxy without destroying the paint job?

  • Deb K Deb K on May 22, 2023

    Hi Melissa, hope this helps you out.

    Isopropyl Alcohol, Denatured Alcohol, Acetone, Lacquer Thinner. Stronger solvents like isopropyl alcohol, denatured alcohol, acetone, or lacquer thinner will remove epoxy much more quickly. Stronger solvents can often be found at varying concentrations.