How much space needed in front of a dishwasher?

Janice Griffith
by Janice Griffith

We are trying to find a spot to install a dishwasher in a small kitchen and need to know how much space is needed for the dishwasher door to open and still be able to walk past.

  5 answers
  • Gk Gk on Aug 22, 2018

    My dishwasher door when fully open is 27.5 inches. I would say to comfortably walk by I would add another 20 inches--47-48 inches minimum--a little more would be better.

  • Joanna Smith Joanna Smith on Aug 23, 2018

    Measure the dishwasher you are interesting in purchasing BEFORE you buy it, then go home and see if it will fit.

  • Gregg Gregg on Aug 23, 2018

    My dishwasher sticks out 25.5 inches when the door is fully opened.

    I would check on the particular model you are interested in. If you have access from the sides of the open door, you can get by without any extra space to walk in front of the machine when the door is open.

  • Sarah Barganier Sarah Barganier on Aug 23, 2018

    I agree with Joanna, you need to find the dishwasher you want to buy, measure the opened door and add a couple of inches of space to keep it from hitting when being opened.

  • Diana Deiley Diana Deiley on Aug 23, 2018

    Dishwashers should be next to the sink, left or right, your choice. I agree with Joanna measure the space you have, and compare it with the space you need to know if you have enough space to safely walk around the area. Safety first. Best of luck.