How to make a back-splash on a single formed Formica counter top?

by Maria
I have a country themed kitchen and wanted to break up the solid blue counter top-back-splash. If it were two separate pieces I think I could figure it out but it's not. I really don't want to cut into it for fear of chipping it or worse. Not sure what would look nice, thoughts anyone?
One continuous piece.
Maybe something lighter if possible.
  24 answers
  • Cindy Eaddy Cindy Eaddy on Mar 04, 2015
    I am tuned in for answers for this, too!
    • Maria Maria on Mar 04, 2015
      @Cindy Eaddy Cindy, I had the counter top before the remodel which I really did't mind since it was easy to clean and loved the blue with the rich brown wood. I have a black granite on the other two surfaces in the kitchen but it would be to many dark surfaces for all of it to be that. Not sure what others will come up with but due keep posted.
  • Dannielle Dannielle on Mar 04, 2015
    Slate is a beautiful selection, the styles, colors, and sizes are endless. We actually used it in our first homes kitchen backsplash. If I can find a pic. I'll post it to you.
    • Maria Maria on Mar 04, 2015
      @Dannielle Thanks Dannielle will have to look into slate. Just always thought of it as being a little dark but maybe they have light colors too that would go. Just not sure how to apply it with the rounded edge.
  • Shirley Hendrix Weber Shirley Hendrix Weber on Mar 04, 2015
    since the counter top is rounded where it goes up the wall I will say try to put a rounded piece of boarder wood or if you can plastic an place it at the rounded part of the wall, if that works you can try outing tile or as for me I would see if I could find a nice contact paper to put it up, this way if you tire of it you can change it , I have used contact paper on my bathroom counter top an it worked an look fine an like I said you can always change the look of it at any time. you problem with the top you have is where it goes up the walls are rounded an that makes it hard to tile over,
    • See 1 previous
    • Susan Bechamp Susan Bechamp on Jun 22, 2015
      @Maria If the wood is well sealed on all surfaces before installation, it should hold up if you maintain it properly. After all, boats have lasted many years made of wood, and they get exposed to more water than your kitchen sink can deliver Choose a hardwood with a dense cell structure.Stay away from soft woods like pine. You could stain the wood to match the wood trim at the front of the counters. Then seal it and when dry, install.
  • Melody McSweeney Melody McSweeney on Mar 04, 2015
    Let your imagination go with this - you could use tiles or mirror or even install simple plate glass over it (you could paint the back of the glass a complimentary color to give it a reflective quality). The secret, I believe, is to simply stop whatever you use just before the curve begins. Still easy to clean and it really won't be noticed. . .
  • Home on Hidden Oaks Home on Hidden Oaks on Mar 04, 2015
    Have you considered peel & stick tile? I've used it on the floors in a couple of my rooms, but I've heard good things about it as a back splash as well. Since the materials are bendable, I think it could accommodate for the slight curve at the bottom of your back splash, and they come in all different colors and sizes and look like real tile. Good luck!
  • Sophye Sophye on Mar 04, 2015
    I had the same idea as Shirley. You frame the top and bottom to make it look like it was supposed to be there!
  • Peg Kinney Peg Kinney on Mar 04, 2015
    home depot sells a product for this purpose that is sticky on both sides. Apply to wall, peel off front paper and apply tile. Don't know if it is ok to use over formica but if you roughed it up really good with sand paper it should work. You could put it all the way down to where the counter top is flat and use a pencil tile to bridge the curve then start the backsplash tile above the pencil. Be sure to leave space for the grout in between. Good luck!
  • C C on Mar 04, 2015
    I just want to clarify before attempting to help...... You want to change the backsplash but not the counter? Correct?
    • See 3 previous
    • Maria Maria on Mar 06, 2015
      @C Thanks for the suggestions Carri, I am overwhelmed by all the good responses to my question now to just revisit them all and make a decision.
  • K. K. on Mar 04, 2015
    My kitchen has the same issue but I have a larger area done this way. It makes most updates next to impossible! I have seen one idea that would work great! It's using the heavy paintable type of wallpaper. These come in different patterns like bead board or there is a pattern like the back splash behind your stove & others as well. Put up paper & paint what color you want. Someone even used metallic paints to do the finish for a look-a-like metal look (like behind your stove). The bead board can also be put in the middle of some types of cabinet doors to carry the look out. Some just paint the paper & others paint the cabinets as well. I think you can purchase a bendable type of edging (metal, types of foam or plastic) from Lowes or Home Depot and use liquid nails or caulk to attach after painting. Or maybe if your creative you can make your own border design with some of the "puff" paint they sell at craft stores instead.
  • Monica Monica on Mar 04, 2015
    If you decide to cut the counter top you would have to build out the back with about a 1/2 " sheet wonder-board and sheet rock to meet up with the counter, then you can add any type of material for the back splash. Keep in mind the electrical outlets may need to come forward as well.
  • Monica Monica on Mar 04, 2015
    Does your top on your high bar extend 3/8 of a inch past the existing splash? If it does you can put a fill the gap between the high bar and splash, tile over the existing splash and trim from counter to splash with a quarter round or cove base.
    • Maria Maria on Mar 04, 2015
      @Monica Thanks Monica,diffidently something to think about.
  • Marinet van Wanrooy Marinet van Wanrooy on Mar 04, 2015
    Could also update vertically, it would break the solid blue, since this is your goal right? With stencils or patterns for example?
    • Maria Maria on Mar 04, 2015
      @Marinet van Wanrooy Marinet, I'm a big stenciling fan but not sure with busy check wallpaper what design would not clash with it. Will have to check out some stencils. Thanks for your help.
  • Pat Pat on Mar 04, 2015
    I am wondering if there isn't a piece of quarter-round wood behind the curve of your counter top/back splash. That is what makes the curve solid. I would go to a place that sells formica, maybe take a picture along to ask how changing the back splash can be done without ruining the counter top. The ones like yours that I have seen in the neighborhood, just changed both the counter top and back splash...good luck.
  • Maria Maria on Mar 04, 2015
    Thanks everyone, got some good ideas to work with.
  • Sue Rindflesch Sue Rindflesch on Mar 04, 2015
    Thinking I would go to a thrift store, pick up some dinner plates, either plain, or patterned. Pick up a cheap pair of tile nippers and cut random pieces from the plates. Use thin set to adhere your pieces of broken plate to your liking. Finish with a grout. You could use quarter round along the bottom to finish it off! You will have a unique back splash that no one else will have, country looking for little investment.
  • Teresa Mahnke Teresa Mahnke on Mar 04, 2015
    I wouldn't put anything over the formica. It may not hold & I don't think it would look good. If you want to put up a backsplash you really should replace the counter top IMHO.
  • Sherry Sherry on Mar 05, 2015
    I had a Formica backsplash in all four kitchens in my classroom. My h.s. foods class decopauged them with pages from vintage cookbooks. We used Mod Podge and sponge brushes. They really turned out great and we've received lots of compliments on them! ed
    Sherry has a good idea, or you could decoupage fabric to the back splash.
  • Sue Ham Sue Ham on Mar 07, 2015
    I noticed in one picture it appears you have tin squares for a continuation of that theme you could use it as the whole backsplash, I am not sure how it is attached to Formica maybe a good adhesive. I am not sure I would try to cut it we had the same in our old kitchen and it is very thick and ours was brittle. Add some cute trim and new outlets and switches and covers. They have much smaller dimmer switches too!!
  • Dannielle Dannielle on Mar 07, 2015
    Another idea for your countertops, butcherblock.
  • Pam Lewandowski Pam Lewandowski on May 03, 2016
    I have the same type of formica countertops/backsplash. Ours is solid white - Curious to see if you ever did anything with them,
  • Liz Fike Liz Fike on Aug 02, 2020

    I am wondering if you found a solution to your countertop/ backsplash dilemma. I have the same thing in my bathroom and am wondering if there is any way to change the backsplash.

  • Jessica Thiele Jessica Thiele on May 07, 2022

    Been wondering about this for years! I want to do a concrete overlay on my countertops, and I could just bring it up over the curved laminate. But, I don't want to do that. I want to cut the curve out of the laminate. It does have a 3/4 in round behind the curve.. but I want the countertop and backsplash to be at a clean 90 degree angle. Sooo.... I can't find much about this. Maybe I'm wording it wrong on YouTube? Idk.. but I think I'll just find a way to cut laminate, then cut the laminate on both sides (top and bottom) of the curve, then get the 3/4 inch round out and see then what I need to do.. I'm ready to get this "not cool" laminate out of my sight lol