How to cover an entertainment wall niche and put a larger TV in wall?

Bob Hing
by Bob Hing
  6 answers
  • Karen | Decor Hint Karen | Decor Hint on Dec 13, 2018

    Hi Bob - not sure what you mean by cover. You can always build something like this and mount the TV to the wall. I hope that helps?

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  • How about making the niche big enough to accommodate your current tv if you want it "in the wall?"

  • Bob Hing Bob Hing on Dec 13, 2018

    Here is a pic of what I’m talking about. 13 year old house wall enclave designed to fit those large pizza restaurant projection screen TVs. I want to cover maybe 3/4 down from top and mount a wider 65” tv!

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  • Rymea Rymea on Dec 14, 2018

    Hard to say without knowing the width of the opening but maybe you could cover it with plywood, overlapping the sides of the opening, and finish the edges of the plywood with quarter round or some other kind of frame. Or if you like a farmhouse look you might use bead board.

  • Pat Pat on Dec 14, 2018

    I was going to suggest bricking up the niche but I see it is next to the fireplace. I think I would drywall the niche closed and get a console and put your TV on it. OR how about some shiplap type wood to fill the niche and hang your TV on the wood wall. (Small boards run horizontal).

  • BrokeCrazyLady BrokeCrazyLady on Dec 15, 2018

    Have you considered just turning the alcove into a nice shelving unit and placing the TV over the fireplace or on another wall? I hate wasted space and think it would be a real shame to just block off that area.