Flowers grow around trees
Funnygirl on May 14, 2014Host as would look pretty.we really need to know how much sun you get there.Impatiens would work alsoHelpful Reply
Wanda sinnema on May 14, 2014REBLOOMING DAY LILLIES..lots and lots of colors..I'd go with something bright, since its a shaded area at times...these are NOT the old style our parents hybrids are sooooo much better...will grow just about anywhere, no care after the first year...Helpful Reply
Tess on May 14, 2014What about phlox? Will it grow under my tree?Helpful Reply
Kirt N on May 14, 2014Blue Hosta, Bleeding Heart, Lily of the valley, Lenten Rose, or Bluebell. All of these are easy to grow in shaded areas. Hosta is easier to find, Bluebell is really pretty though.Helpful Reply
Deb on May 14, 2014Hi Tess, I'd plant a variety based on how much sun, if any the spot gets. I start with a ring of grape hyacinths so you have something early spring, then I'd add a few daffodils, then based on sunlight, either day lilies, or hosta. I have all that I can share with you and am in Columbus, OHHelpful Reply
Deb on May 14, 2014Phlox might grow but it doesn't flower for very long.Helpful Reply
Donna Byram on May 14, 2014I have "Garden Phlox", it is not the typical phlox that you think of, this has leaves and bushes out. It says full sun, but mine are in part sun and part shade and are doing well. Also, Heuchera or common name Coral Bells will grow in the shade and there are several varieties. Both are perennials. Please click on photo for more information.Helpful Reply
Tess on May 15, 2014ThanksHelpful Reply
Douglas Hunt on May 15, 2014That looks like a shady area and phlox will not be happy there. A mixed planting of hellebores, astilbe and Japanese anemones would give you a long season of blooms in the shade.Helpful Reply
Maureen Nussbeck on May 15, 2014I have hostas encircling my big old oak tree....looks good and easy maintenanceHelpful Reply
CB on May 15, 2014You might try a cranesbill geranium, or "geranium oxonianum" under your tree. These are not the "Martha Washington" upright plants (pelargoniums) you see in nurseries everywhere. They are a herbaceous perennial, which means they die to the ground in winter and come back every spring. My favorite is "Wargrave Pink" which mounds up into a perfect half-circle with pink flowers all season long. They get bigger every year, so you might want to dig and divide every couple of years to avoid damage to your tree.Helpful Reply
Tracy Halman on May 16, 2014What about ferns,just not the tall type. Just my opinion, I would not go tall plants it would not look right. You do not want it to take away from the tree and tall plants tend to look like weeds.Helpful Reply
Nancy De Blauw on May 16, 2014We have Perriwinkle, several types of ferns, Lilly of the Valley, and Trillium under our centre clump of 60ft. cedars. Pathetic different textures, shapes & shades of green offset the fact that we don't have a lot of colour as far as flowers go. I've been toying with the idea of planting a few Astilbe or perhaps Bleeding Hearts to the mix.Helpful Reply
Deborah on May 16, 2014I love hostas and they're so hardy Lilies too.Helpful Reply
Carolyn Hoxton on May 16, 2014I don't think Phlox will grow unless in full sun, I would go with Hostas, or a shade perennial, Check it out with Spring Hill Nursery, or Santa Rosa Gardens.Helpful Reply
Jan Posey Comer-Shipman on May 16, 2014I have had luck with hostas, ferns (if deep shade), lily of the valley (it will take over) and bleeding heart. The beauty of all of these they will spread and fill the area. You can get a lot of expense, so check with friends and neighbors and local garden club, they may be thinning theirs out and have some to give away!!Helpful Reply
Connie Mar on May 16, 2014Fern leaf bleeding heart is one of my favorite shade plants. Watch out for Lily of the Valley, as it can be quite aggressive.Helpful Reply
Patti @Hearth and Vine on May 16, 2014As suggested above you may want to consider perennials with pretty foliage instead of flowering plants. This would be especially true if the area gets very little sun. I also like a variety of plants but that is just my preference. Japanese painted fern, huecheras, hostas, other ferns come in a variety of colors and do well under my trees and last all season.Helpful Reply
Margie*Lee on May 16, 2014I have tried Bleeding Hearts and Primroses around our red maple tree in our front yard to no avail. You may have success with Hostas but I read that flowers should no be planted around trees. I now have bark mulch in the area around our tree and put plants in pots and set them in that area. They look nice, don't die and all I have to do is keep them watered and dead-headed.Helpful Reply
Michele Schneider on May 16, 2014Geraniums or impatiens or begoniasHelpful Reply
Kathy K on May 16, 2014Try some hostaHelpful Reply
Cyndi Moore Tippett on May 16, 2014If you can make the circle bigger and plant your flowers around the edge. You are going to have a hard time keeping anything alive with the tree sucking all the water from the plants if you plant them close to the trunk of the tree. The further you can place them out the better chance the roots from the tree will be less competitive. Any of the plants suggested above will work.Helpful Reply
Tanya Lynn on May 16, 2014I have hardy geraniums and Hostas under our maple tree. The geranium has little pink flowers on it but they don't last all summer.I would suggest both these plants as perennials and maybe just add annuals each year for extra color.Impatients are awesome for shaded areas.Helpful Reply
Gretchen on May 16, 2014Most perennials have a big flush of bloom and color and then you are left with the foliage, so make sure you choose plants that have nice foliage. Or mix in some annuals with the perennials. For example, you can plant some hosta, astilbe, or fern (you will have to keep these well watered) and then in the empty spots (which will change over time as the plants grow), fill in with impatiens or another shade loving annual. So you will have color and a nice texture.You can add some of the same annuals around the edge of the playhouse too. It is a very pretty tree. You will always have to supply extra water (and amend the soil with compost before you plant anything) because that tree will suck moisture like nothing else. If you do mulch, be careful not to add too much - no "volcano mulching!" Another idea - since you have children, how about adding in a fairy garden tucked into a piece of the roots of the tree? You can do that and add your flowers or plants around the rest.Helpful Reply
Ruth Yunkun on May 16, 2014I have had great luck with hostas for years, they are my old standby.Helpful Reply
Mikie S on May 16, 2014HELLEBORES! The say they are a shade plant, but I have some with all degrees of sun-and they bloom January/February ...the bleeding hearts are a great idea or Heuchara....they have so many different leaf colors. They also keep their leaves year young so you aren't left with nothing to look at in the winter...that's when the hellebores shine!Helpful Reply
Cathy Bradley on May 16, 2014Sweet Woodruff. It is a shade loving, perennial ground cover that has small white flowers in the spring. I have it growing under Cedar trees where nothing else wants to grow! Add a few ferns for height.Helpful Reply
Kathi S on May 16, 2014Yes, I had the same problem around my birch tree, only I have 2 spirea bushes I couldn't get rid of, so I widened the space, used bricks for my border, added some fresh garden soil and planted spreading plants, like creeping jenny, wild violets, various sedums, tansy, which spreads like wildfire, and can get tall, snow-in-the-mountain, also spreads rapidly and annuals, like dwarf marigolds around the edge inside the brick border. The rest of the plants are perennials. Have fun!Helpful Reply
Barbara C on May 16, 2014go to your local nursery and ask for their advice for plants in your area.Helpful Reply
Denise on May 16, 2014I just finished planting more in my Shade Garden under Cedar trees. Caladium, Japanese Spurge (Pachysandra) a ground cover but somewhat invasive and a Cali Lily. I also planted some coleus (an annual) for additional color I already had hydrangea, False Spirea (astilbe), variegated Jacob's Ladder, different Hostas, Painted Japanese Fern, and Aucuba, both male and female. It is doing extremely well and very pretty foliage and berries. But beware of tree roots. I had to dig and re-dig to avoid the bigger tree roots, but it is well worth it. Good Luck!Helpful Reply
Barbara Turner on May 16, 2014HOSTAS HOSTAS HOSTAS! They have over 6,000 varieties and many colors and bloomers and prefer partial shade and are soooooo easy to maintain! There also is one called the Christmas Hosta which is short, very tightly leaved and really stunning! They have a big Royal Blue that would go very well on 4 points and you could put the Patriot in and around those and then get some Thyme and scatter throughout for color and then pansies would really complement the whole thing! I get soooo tired of the "general gardening rules" of planting! You could even get a Hybiscus and plant in FRONT towards the street! It looks like a really good area for Hostas! Well, you can tell by my "co-horts from the Richmond, VA area" that we are avid fans of Hosta! Easy easy easy!Helpful Reply
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Pam Braford Austin on May 16, 2014Stella De Oro's are a beautiful lily that bloom all summer and they look great with hosta! Bonus: both grow rapidly and by third year can be split and spread out easily!Helpful Reply
Pat Spinelli on May 16, 2014I have hellebores planted around the bottom of my dogwood tree and they do beautifully, they've been there for years and are large plants now of many different colors.Helpful Reply
Marla on May 16, 2014I plant tulips and daffodils. Has a little sun but mostly shade.Helpful Reply
Pat Spinelli on May 16, 2014Here are a couple of my hellebores.Helpful Reply
Bernice H on May 16, 2014HOSTA!! There are thousands of varieties!! Faithful Loyal, hardy, spread nicely..I only have 8 varieties, but when I see a new one I beg .So sad to see a grown woman whine and beg, especially to strangers. But you gotta do what you gotta do!Helpful Reply
Priscilla Reedy on May 16, 2014HOSTA, without a doubt! Mix up the varietiesHelpful Reply
Kim snead on May 16, 2014Hostas come in a variety of textures and do well in the shade.Helpful Reply
Rose on May 16, 2014Call all your gardening friends and plant all the free plants you can get! If they don't do well just plant them somewhere else. Mix in some annuals for color all season long. Be careful with the tree roots, you don't want to lose the tree.Helpful Reply
Linda Smith on May 17, 2014If you want color, pick some of the flowers suggested by DeAnna. I got rid of hostas because they always had holes from slugs. Impatiens are also a good annual for all summer color with no deadheading required. Check first to see if your area has had issues with the blight that has affected impatiens.Helpful Reply
Linda on May 17, 2014Hosta's come in lots of color hues .. plant some variegated and blue girl varieties for color and flower blooms. We don't have slug problems here with them. And it spreads, loves the shade. Heuchera are good for color/texture contrast, and they have airy pinkish blooms.Helpful Reply
Johanne Clerie on May 17, 2014are there any Hostas that could grow in South Florida?Helpful Reply
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Rachel Winstanley on May 17, 2014coral bells are nice too and they come in lots of different coloursHelpful Reply
Cathy on May 17, 2014Hostas come up every year put down black plastic first for the weeds then your dirt make an x to where your plant will go plant them them put black bark mulch around your flowers such as pansies, marigolds,Helpful Reply
Carolyn Vermillion on May 18, 2014ImpatientsHelpful Reply
Terea H on May 18, 2014Hosta mixed with impatiens. Can change the color of the impatiens yearly and add a nice bit of color tooHelpful Reply
Barbara Turner on May 18, 2014Oh good thanks! (I prefer Barbara. I hate Barb, it sounds like barbwire.) thanks! Yeah, I've also noticed that when I throw out tea grounds that keeps them away as well.Helpful Reply
Sue Peet on May 19, 2014You have a few good suggestions but my suggestion to you is find out what is native to your area, they are easier to care for and a benefit to bees and hummingbirds.Helpful Reply
Funnygirl on May 19, 2014Day Lillie's!!! Can take any kind of heat bloom in shade and sun totally easy flowers,and come back automatically every year and multiply!Whats better than that???Helpful Reply
Lori Kuhn Sutter on May 24, 2014Myrtle....pretty purple flower. Easy to trim...looks good with hostas alsoHelpful Reply
Denise on May 25, 2014Check out '' A must for all information re: gardening.Helpful Reply
Pamela on May 30, 2014Hostas around the tree, then, working out plant a cluster of different flowers, prim rose, peonies, that extendstrillium, ect.. around the tree, then finish with a ground cover like an Allysum--a bit easier to care for.Helpful Reply
Mikkigirl on Nov 07, 2016Day lilies and hosta grow just about anywhere if you're interested in perennials-also creeping phlox. If you want to plant annuals, I'd suggest impatients.Helpful Reply
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