How to deal with invasive cilantro plants in my garden?

by Carmen
I grew a couple of cilantro plants 2 years ago in my flower bed. It has come up ever since then in my flower bed and now in the yard. It's spreading very fast. I live in Oklahoma City and thought it was a perennial only in the far south. Anyone else had this problem?
  3 answers
  • Jean Myles Jean Myles on Apr 20, 2016
    I also grew some in my veggie garden and it has returned every year only it comes up and goes to seed before I can harvest any leaves. Each year it pops up in a few different places and the plants are smaller each year.Now I pull them as soon as I see them pop through the ground. I live in Canada and also thought it was a annual Good luck.
  • Helen W_G Helen W_G on Apr 21, 2016
    Cilantro plants reseed everywhere! I see mine in the grass sometimes when I mow. Prevent this by just preventing seed heads from forming. Or just let them reseed for next year.
  • Martha Martha on Apr 21, 2016
    At least cilantro has pretty leaves!