How can I keep crows from mucking up my yard fountain?

by Drd8294202
  2 answers
  • FL FL on Jul 03, 2017

    This is a tough question because some ideas would chase off ALL birds, just not crows. Using fake owls or scarecrows seem like they only work until the crows catch on. Fake snakes will keep ALL birds away.

    This site recommends changing the water more often if birds are leaving the water in an unsanitary state:  ; Good luck!

  • Denise Camille Frye Denise Camille Frye on Jul 06, 2017

    If you have a water feature, you must expect wildlife to make use of it. I would personally view this as an added bonus! Yes, it means you'll have to clean it more often, but look at the added benefits! I hope you'll learn to think of crows as the gift they are. I envy you the fact that you have them. I've lost all my large trees, so I don't get to see them much anymore, and you cannot imagine how much I miss them. They are just amazing. The more you learn about them, the more you'll love them, too. Please try to enjoy your good fortune.

    • Drd8294202 Drd8294202 on Jul 06, 2017

      Indeed I also do love crows and appreciate their intelligence and sensitivity. Since they often leave much of their food in the fountain, I even grant them the possibility that these are gifts to me, especially since they now bring their bigger-than-the-parents babies to teach them about watering their meal. I do worry, though, that they may pick up tainted meat and that my elderly dog may eat it. Thanks for your reminder of the small price we pay for the enjoyment that nature brings to us, even in the city.