How do i get rid of carpenter bees? black snakes in yd with kids&dog

by Jeanie
  5 answers
  • Shoshana Shoshana on Apr 30, 2017

    I've had some success laying down bounce dryer sheets to keep the bees away.

  • Nancy Turner Nancy Turner on Apr 30, 2017

    When we lived in Florida we had a cat and a chow that went on a snake killing spree when a coral snake killed their companion. Never saw a live snake after that. The chow even kept wild large cats and alligators off the property, even neighbors property. She never even had a scratch on her. Our neighbor would let us know when the fight was on so we could check her afterwards. Many snakes are harmless, check and see what local snakes in your area are the dangerous ones and what are harmless. Snakes eat rodents and keep them out of your house, if they are harmless leave them alone. The wouldn't be there if food wasn't around for them to eat.

  • Edna Edna on Apr 30, 2017

    We always put mothballs scattered around property works great

  • Peggy L Burnette Peggy L Burnette on Apr 30, 2017
    You must fill holes of carpenter bees with cotton soaked in raid flying insect killer. I know you and the kids are afraid of the black snake, but they are really helpful and won't hurt you. They are probably more afraid of you. You and trap it and rehome it in a park but please don't kill it.
  • Stephanie Stephanie on May 17, 2017

    Carpenter bees---dreadful, damaging nuisances. We were referred to the local coop for a mix to use in garden sprayer. Shoot it into the holes and they drop "like flies." Then seal the holes w caulk to prevent reinfestation.