How to keep rabbits from making home under deck that has lattice ?

Cathy Buchalski
by Cathy Buchalski
my dog keeps digging under lattice when he smells rabbits underneath decking

  6 answers
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on May 03, 2018

    It was mentioned to try sprinkling laundry powder soap

  • Amanda Amanda on May 03, 2018

    Sprinkle cayenne pepper over the area.

  • Mary Mary on May 03, 2018

    Open a piece enough for the dog to get them

  • Peter Goslett Peter Goslett on May 04, 2018

    If it is accessible to you, lay and anchor some plastic sheeting on the ground. Rabbits won't go near it if you do that.

  • William William on May 04, 2018

    Staple chicken wire fencing on the inside and dig it into the ground about 6" deep.

  • Kami Kami on May 05, 2018

    I have 5 rabbit hunters! I had to do what Mr. William suggested using hardware cloth, chicken wire was to flimsy yep...It was work to remove the lattice, cut wire, dig and curl wire, but it has save my deck,shed. No doctor visit with my hunters with injur. Yes the best way!😎