How to rid perennial tall phlox of pest that's stripping the foliage?

How do I rid my perennial tall flox of a pest that is stripping the folliage
  5 answers
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Jun 03, 2017

    Do you know what is eating the leaves.

  • Carey Carey on Jun 03, 2017

    Try making a spray of water with soap. Spray it on the leaves. Not only will it not harm the plant but it will make it very distasteful to any critter chewing on it. It will have to be redone after rain or sprinkling. My Mom told me to do that to stop the Potato bugs from destroying my potato plants before they even got out of the ground. I literally saw them run away!

  • Carey Carey on Jun 04, 2017

    Yes, regularr dish soap. Just enough to make it taste bad! It doesn't take a lot. I fill with water, then add the soap so that you don't have a lot of foam to deal with. Then just spray your plants. I have a lovely stand of the tall phlox in my yard and they are one of my favorite plants. They take little care and give a lot of beauty!! Daylilies also are a trouble free plant that I truly enjoy. I discovered that when you pick a bouquet of day lilies, you have a new bouquet every day. I took a boyquet to a man in the hospital years ago and his family later called me and said the he enjoyed those lilies right up to the day that he died, because each day a new bud opened up. What a treat they are. Just pick off the blossoms each evening as they die.

  • Marcie Marcie on Jun 04, 2017

    Dawn is the best dish soap to use in the garden.