Irish Spring and rabbits

by GrinninGramma
Have any of you tried using Irish Spring to keep rabbits out of your garden? What were the results?
  4 answers
  • Dorothy Collett Dorothy Collett on May 20, 2015
    I don't see evidence of rabbits after I put Irish Spring in the garden but I Did note the beans and peas were not happy. There was more damage from the soap than from the baby rabbits. Other flowering plants did not do as well. This was a few years ago and I have not used this solution since.
  • Bernadette C Bernadette C on May 20, 2015
    Well, it doesn't seem to work here in Michigan. However, your garden does smell real nice.
  • Vicki Vicki on May 20, 2015
    My husband used it in our vegetable garden and it worked wonders. It has to be the original Irish Spring soap. We used a kitchen grater and grated it and spread it around the perimeter of the garden. Hope it works for you!
  • GrinninGramma GrinninGramma on May 20, 2015
    Thank you, Ladies, for your responses!