What can I use to stop flies from collecting on my new deck?
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Get a bug zapper
Buy some “Off” lawn garden patio spray- the kind that attaches to your hose. I do it twice in the summe- no flies, mosquitoes or any other bugs listed on label.
you could hand that ugly yellow fly tape- but.. why?
A recycled soda bottle fly trap.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SlYt8m9xf0k
I also just brought a LED fly zapper buld for my porch at Grocery Outlet
Have you sealed your deck?
If the flies are that much of an issue, investigate, they love decaying material. If you have something that is drawing them, other than the sap,then they are there to feed.
Do you have animals that are going to the bathroom near there?
Hi Brenda! The constantly moving air confuses flies, who prefer to fly in still air. Citronella candles, while more commonly used to deter mosquitos, can effectively keep common flies at bay as well, especially when used in small spaces. Hope this helps!
We ended up with fly strips and 2 were full in 36 hours!