Asked on Jul 20, 2018

How do I attach metal trellises (for privacy climbing vines) to brick

Leslie Rush
by Leslie Rush

I have five metal trellises that I would like to attach to a low brick wall off located at the side of my house. There used to be a sunroom located here, but the previous owners tore it down. I have a fence surrounding my property, but the absence of the sunroom structure has left a huge space where someone could easily step over the low brick wall and easily gain access to my backyard. In any event, I am trying to upcycle these trellises to be used to grow climbing vines to provide some privacy and a little extra piece of mind. I’m not completely incompetent, but this project is completely outside of my wheelhouse. I don’t know if there is a clamp that could be drilled into the brick to hold these in place or if there is a bonding agent that could be used to adhere them. Any advice you could provide, or ideas that could steer me in the right direction, would be appreciated.

I’d ultimately like to secure these to the front of the wall so that my vines could be planted into the soil rather than have planter boxes, but since I have no experience attaching things to (or drilling into) brick, I may be over complicating the whole task.

  5 answers
  • Cheryl A Cheryl A on Jul 20, 2018

    Here are some ideas I found:

    How to Hang a Trellis on Brick Wall | Home Guides | SF Gate › Home › Home Improvement › Troubleshoot, Fix and Repair

    You can soften the look of brick with trellised plantings, to give it a ... ... feel of permanence to a home or garden, but the very solidity of brick structures can ... pen to put a dot of white paint on the wall through the attachment holes in the trellis. ... Many climbing vines, such as wisteria, grapes or roses, exert a strong pull on the ...

    • Leslie Rush Leslie Rush on Jul 20, 2018

      Thank you for taking the time to post! I think I’ve looked for tips and tricks for so long that I’ve made myself paranoid that whatever method I chose would be wrong and I‘d end up with a situation that couldn’t be corrected. This was extremely helpful!

  • Carol Cole Carol Cole on Jul 20, 2018

    I LOVE THOSE, I think Lowes carry clamps that you put around the trellis then attach to the wall.

  • Leslie Rush Leslie Rush on Jul 20, 2018

    Thank you! These trellises were originally the corner pieces of a gazebo that had seen better days. I just sanded them down and repainted with Rustoleum Hammered paint & primer. I’m going to search for the clamps tonight. I apprecite the info!

    comment photo
  • Dianne Dianne on Jul 21, 2018

    My husband attached a trellis to a brick structure by using a masonary bit in his drill and made holes just large enough to hold a molly and then screwed it to the wall. Been there ever since..

  • Vikki Vikki on Jul 22, 2018

    I would think the easiest, no hassle way would be to drive 2 pieces of rebar into the ground on the outside for each trellis, and attach the trellis to the rebar with matching cable ties. That way you can set your trellises at whatever height you desire.