Under deck cover

by Brenda
Need ideas on what to install under deck so when it rains water will not run below to porch and mold grows as result.Plus I can't afford a lot so what r my options?? If any
  26 answers
  • Donna Byram Donna Byram on Jul 23, 2014
    Don't know if this would be a cheap fix or not, but the only thing I can think of is to put a corrugated plastic or metal sheets under the deck. You would have to peak it in the center so it would drain to the sides of your deck. I would use something that wasn't see through, because you would see whatever falls on top of it through your deck.
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    • See 4 previous
    • Mary Davin Mary Davin on Jul 27, 2014
      @Donna Byram This sounds like a good idea - probably cheaper than the "Drysnap" product posted by Jody below.
    • Mary Davin Mary Davin on Jul 27, 2014
      @Jody D Thanks for posting this Jody! :) I had never heard of this product before now.
  • AvonelleRed AvonelleRed on Jul 24, 2014
    Like Donna Byram, I was going to suggest corrugated metal sheets, but would think about adding a gutter to direct the water in one direction, then you could even add a rain barrel to collect water for using on your flowers or vegetable garden.
  • Art Genneken Art Genneken on Jul 27, 2014
    I don't know how big your porch is, but mine is only 12 x 12. I bought a 12 x12 canopy, and it covers it real good. Very little water gets down under.
  • Sheri Ketarkus Sheri Ketarkus on Jul 27, 2014
    We had this problem (sort of, no concrete below buy the deck was a always wet after storms due to lots of trees.) We put a roof over the deck with steel roofing. Wasn't very expensive, my husband was the laborer and now the deck is dry. Check out steel roofing at Menards or lowes.
  • Jan Posey Comer-Shipman Jan Posey Comer-Shipman on Jul 27, 2014
    My husband covered our deck with a material called Liberty. It can be purchased where roofing contractors purchase their materials. This item is used on flat roofs to ELIMINATE leaks. According to the size of the deck might be expensive.
  • Brenda Brenda on Jul 27, 2014
    Thank you folks for all your suggestions
  • Audrey Audrey on Jul 27, 2014
    I agree with the metal roofing and guttering. If that is brick or concrete pavers you can use bleach and water (50/50 mix) in a sprayer to kill off the mold. Spray it on and leave it as long as you can then rinse it off or use a powder washer. You need to have good drainage around that area. Good luck, great space!
  • Rdb328472 Rdb328472 on Jul 27, 2014
    We also had this issue. We had a gutter system installed underneath....that has a nice smooth finish and fits together with a tongue and groove kind of ceiling. Then the water runs through the system and down the gutters...looks good, works great. However, we spent $7K for this system - that included lighting and fans too.
  • K. K. on Jul 27, 2014
    You could look into French Drain's, they would probably work well in this type of situation from what I've read. Not sure of the cost but this would be a permanent fix and would be an added bonus of a property improvement if you ever sold your place. Some people do additional landscaping to make it look like a dry stream, for when its not raining. Hope this helps!!!
  • Linda B Linda B on Jul 27, 2014
    To Brenda: We have an upper deck like this with the open beams showing underneath, but we also have a wooden flooring on the bottom deck. Yes it gets rain from above, but the flooring on the bottom have the boards side-by-side without spaces. The bottom floor is high enough to have 2 long steps coming up to it in the front (the same width as the floor boards). It really looks nice. We have iron lawn furniture on both decks. Or, you could build a new top deck floor and make it so the rain water won't go through the cracks.
  • Carole Moore Carole Moore on Jul 27, 2014
    I have an upper and lower deck as well. Rain water drips on the lower deck from above, and eventually there's mold on the lower deck, just as if there were pavers there. Same problem.
  • Nancy Merrell Nancy Merrell on Jul 27, 2014
    You could pour more concrete with a slight slope to a French drain on thr lower level.
  • Jeanette S Jeanette S on Jul 27, 2014
    You could look into getting corrugated fiber glass to line under the porch, making sure you put a slight slant to it so the water drains off and extend it slightly out from the edge of the patio underneath.
  • Anne Tighe Anne Tighe on Jul 27, 2014
    Yes. Corrugated fiberglass/plastic. It's what we used under our deck... Cheapest way we found to cut down the amt of water. It's mounted at a slight angle so the water runs through the deck boards and out the end away from the house. Good luck.
  • MElissa MElissa on Jul 27, 2014
    We too have a similar problem on half the deck. Half has a corrugated tin roof over porch part with a small deck and stairs leading to an upstairs entrance to bathroom. We used the Trex/plastic wood boards for the deck part and it does leak on half our patio. We plan on calking the boards with paintable silicone and then painting the whole thing with the new deck paint Restore (?) from Rustoleum (at home depot) We think that will seal all the major leaks and protect the deck for several years from sun damage here in Texas. Plus we can put gutters around the edge for more water diversion. We thought about corrugated plastic but this will be much easier and not as likely for mold or wasps to gather. Just my two cents worth......
  • This link ( http://www.masoncorp.com/Mason_Residential_Deck_Drainage_Systems.htm) to Mason Corp's under deck drainage system might be what you are looking for. Mason Products are a bit pricey but I believe add real value to your home.
  • Mickey Pesola Mickey Pesola on Jul 28, 2014
    Brenda, how about getting some drop cloths and painting them like a fun carpet. lay it on top of the patio and put down your outside furniture. Kids would love to help with this project. At least this would be a quick fix for now until you can do what needs to be done. Oh, cheap to do also!!
  • Sheri Ketarkus Sheri Ketarkus on Jul 28, 2014
    We are adding gutters this fall as the ice was a big problem (where we live in northern WI) last winter. And being retired, $$$ is more of an issue. Good luck. Let us know what u succeed with.
  • Sheri Ketarkus Sheri Ketarkus on Jul 28, 2014
    If u want to email with questions, sherik123@msn.com, feel free. My husband and I are renovating (again). We have probably solved many problems over the course of 2 whole house projects. If flipping houses had been 'a thing' when we got married, we might have done that for a living (instead of nursing).
  • WE used this system in the past. Looks great. http://www.underdeckoasis.com/ and works like a charm.
  • Chrystine Dimitry Chrystine Dimitry on Jul 29, 2014
    Ground cloth that doesn't promote weeds, but lets water pass through.
  • Cgr367321 Cgr367321 on Aug 01, 2014
    We put metal flashing under ours. It worked well. Nailed it at a slope so the water would run off. Good luck.
  • Brenda Brenda on Aug 05, 2014
    Thank you everyone for the helpful suggestions all were very helpful
  • Sandiklein Sandiklein on Aug 17, 2014
    Can any of you post pictures? I have the same issue and would love to see what your solution was.
  • Dehumphries Dehumphries on Apr 15, 2018
