I need help reviving my fountain

Mary D
by Mary D
I bring the statue indoors during the winter and cover the fountain but its too heavy to move and the fountain gas reverted back to a cement grey color. What is the best way to paint it and with what? Can I dry brush it with something? Thanx
Here is a photo
  7 answers
  • Lagree Wyndham Lagree Wyndham on May 05, 2016
    ?? when I worked at a garden shop we would stain/paint fountains to the color customers requested. Bronze = a chickencr@p-brown latex + a final coat of black latex and oil based concrete sealer. It looked like antique bronze when finished. It was same process for antique copper, only started with a teal/green base coat. The finish would hold up a couple to five years depending on exposure.
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on May 05, 2016
    What finish is on the fountain? Is it some,metal resin?
    • See 1 previous
    • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on May 05, 2016
      @Mary D Ok no issue research rustoleum spray paint for outdoor cement.Once your decision on a color I recommend sealing it with an outdoor spray sealer as well
  • Tanner Clark Tanner Clark on May 05, 2016
    Not difficult at all. Buy proper paint for cement painting, they do sell it. You can also use masonry paint. Apply a base coat to the entire fountain, dont forget the underside of it.You can brush or roll or spray this on. Decide how you want to do your top coat. Brush, roll, or spray. Dry-brushing base and top coats that are contrasting in nature. For instance black base coat, paintbrush in white paint. For an antique look, use a light or white base coat , then apply the colored top coat, let the paint sit for 10 minutes and wipe away the excess paint using a dampened rag. Repeat as necessary to get the desired effect. You can always airbrush it for the super detail. Or you may buy detailing brushes, they sell brushes for almost anything, may have to try Hobby Lobby or something like it and local paint store to find everything. ALLOW 24 HRS MINIMUM TO DRY BEFORE SEALING. PROPER CURING TIME HELPS WITH DURABILTY AND LONGEVITY OF PAINT. Seal with a EXTERIOR NON-YELLOWING CONCRETE SEALER allow 24 HRS TO DRY or read for manufacturers ditrections. Sealer keep colors safe and it can handle the elements better as well as water proffing it. I suggest 3 coats sealer..
  • Toolpro Toolpro on May 06, 2016
    Just want to add thoroughly clean the fountain first for lasting adhesion of paint.
  • MN Mom MN Mom on May 06, 2016
    The best Rust-Oleum spray paint is probably their Universal brand. Not sure their regular spray paints would adhere to cement but this Universal product says it specifically works on cement
  • Cynlane55 Cynlane55 on May 16, 2016
    I would use concrete die , it is easy to work with and you can mix the brown & red together to match the little guy. ( spot test him) then seal it. I stained concrete at the casinos in Las Vegas, it still looks great after 14 yrs with people walking on it.
  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on Mar 05, 2021


    Clean it then Use a sealer on it before painting. If it is a type of stone, use Masonry Paint

    which is self cleaning. Cost a bit more but worth it! Enjoy the journey.