Our Gaco deck- What can be done to seal it & cover seams?

by Skw9947808
We had our wood deck painted with Gaco finishled by ProfessionalS. The seams twisted the first summer & a few holes appeared. The professionals sanded the seams & repainted with Gaco with the sand finish. We can still see the tape lines & they are twisting again. I know about heat making things expand & cold contracting but this is outdoor paint. What can be done to seal it & cover all the seams?

  3 answers
  • Wow! I am really intrigued! I have never seen a deck with seams that twist. Nor tape lines. Can you post a photo? Did you try calling the company that did the work for you? Or contact the Gaco customer service reps to see what remedies they could offer?

  • Orrian Rich Orrian Rich on Jun 01, 2019

    I would stay away from the GacoDeck product.

    Some companies really stand behind their products, however Gaco/Firestone coatings is clearly not one of those companies. After half a year (one winter) my Gaco deck is completely pealing in sections exposed to moisture. After numerous emails to the warranty department and the Area manager this was their response. “Per the terms of the warranty that Mr. xxxx has we reviewed the product for compliance to the Physical Properties as is warranted. The review has shown that the product meets the Physical Properties. We meet the terms of the warranty.” So much for a warranty. These are the details of my install. A professional installer would not have installed it better or spent more time prepping than I did on this project.

    In order to fix my covered deck over my garage, I purchased the 4 GacoDeck kits, 3 separate gallons of Gaco deck, 3 gallons of Gaco Primer and the in the fall of 2018 for my deck restoration project (1700$ worth of Gaco product). I completely enclosed the deck area with plastic to avoid any moisture and temperature issues during the install. I replaced several sections of rotted plywood and recovered the complete deck with new 11/32 ACX plywood. I then rolled on the Gaco deck primer per instructions filled seams and applied the Gacodeck and taped seams per instructions. I heated the are to verify temperature and humidity were always above the specified numbers. I allowed two weeks for the deck to dry before removing he plastic. During winter I removed snow using a broom or plastic edged shovel. Come spring the product was not sticking to the primer in large areas that were exposed to snow and water. The primer is still adhering properly, but Gaco Deck clearly did not adhere to the Gaco Primer. After numerous emails to the warranty department and the Area manager this was their response. “Per the terms of the warranty that Mr. xxxx has we reviewed the product for compliance to the Physical Properties as is warranted. The review has shown that the product meets the Physical Properties. We meet the terms of the warranty.” So much for the Warranty 50-year limited warranty.