Can I break back off chair and create a little stool?

by Katie

1st off this was free. I love re doing chairs. This one however I feel must become a stool. The back is missing spindles. Its beat up bad. It came from a family that beat it up for years.i would love to make this a padded stool. I could use as an extra table chair. I would like to use in my daughters room as a vanity stool. She is 10 so it will be decorated crazy and padded with cool fabric. I'm just confused how do I remove the back?

  11 answers
  • Peggy L Burnette Peggy L Burnette on May 04, 2019

    Hi Katie, what a great find. Here are some instructions on making a stool from a chair. Good luck with your project. turn broken chairs into stools | for mimi in 2019 | DIY Furniture ...


    turn broken chairs into stools Furniture Making, Repurposed Furniture, Dream Furniture, Cool Furniture. Visit .... Better After - high back chair to stool - so dang clever! ..... How to make a bench from two Chippendale chairs (again i would use ...

  • Vimarhonor Vimarhonor on May 04, 2019

    Hello, Have you considered a hand saw or oscillating tool?

  • Rosy Rosy on May 04, 2019

    I wouldn't break the back off but you should be able to use a flat saw and cut the spindles flush with the seat.

  • William William on May 05, 2019

    The outside spindles have metal or wood wedges in a split underneath. You can pop those out with a screwdriver. The spindles may also be glued so a little wiggling will remove them. The center spindles are just inserted into holes. Since you plan to upholster the seat then just cut the spindles flush with the seat.

  • Tallahassee Girl Tallahassee Girl on May 05, 2019

    With a saw, cut the spindles even with the seat. File down any that are not flush then add padding and cover with upholstery fabric. Upholstery fabric will ensure that it will withstand rugged use. I am sure that It will be lovely.

  • Katie Katie on May 05, 2019

    Yay thank you all! My husband says we will get to work with his saws on his day off! He doesnt trust my ADHD self with power tools🤣. He came home one day and I had used his electric tree trimmer. My bushes in front yard were beautiful squares🤗.

  • Justme Justme on May 05, 2019

    Repurpose spindles in to a message board.

  • Sarah O. Sarah O. on May 05, 2019

    Hi, I woulkd used the same removable method that William suggested if the chair is wood, and from your picture it looks like wood. If the spindles are set with glue, use WD-40 spray to saturate the glued spindles and let set for a few minutes. Then use a strew driver to push the spindles out.

  • Carollee Carollee on May 05, 2019

    Get rid of bam boo from taking over their yard. Carole more

  • Homeroad Homeroad on May 06, 2019

    You could do that or you could repurpose the chair in another way. Here is how I repurposed a few chairs...

  • Katie Katie on May 08, 2019

    Thank you all for advice. My husband sawed off back of chair. He wood puttied in the spindle holes. I sanded chair and spray painted a citrus green. I then bought foam pad and utilized some batting. I then covered and stapled some wild monkey fabric on top. The monkeys are playing in a band it's a hoot. The stool is for my 10 yr old and 20 month old. I know this pic is not the best. However,it is the only pic I could snap without my girls and dogs leaping around. It's not a perfect stool but it is fun and they love it!Yay another fun project done. You guys have to make one!

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