This is a 1937 Kidney Shaped Vanity - Restore or Re-do?

Susi Schuele
by Susi Schuele
This piece is a 1937 Kidney Shaped Vanity by General Woods Product Company. Rockford, IL. Golden Rule Line. It has the glass top and is in excellent condition. I have it listed on EBay for what I thought was a going rate but originally wanted to upcyle it with a funky paint. What would you do?
  5 answers
  • Sunnie Sunnie on Jun 16, 2014
    I would leave it alone, way too many old pieces of furniture are being lost because of the desire to destroy the natural designs of what they were intended to be. It is beautiful as it is. If it were damaged and in need of repair, I could see doing it, but I would leave it alone. Of course that is my honest opinion, I have seen beautiful old wood pieces destroyed in value by young people thinking they were helping a piece when in fact they devalued it entirely.
    • Susi Schuele Susi Schuele on Jun 16, 2014
      @Sunnie Yes - I agree. If the piece has value to a collector, it should be left alone. I have put this piece on EBay for the estimated value but have had no offers. Since I'm not a collector, I will re-do it unless someone comes forth who really has the interest. I have numerous antiques from my family that I wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole however :)
  • Elizabeth Midkiff Elizabeth Midkiff on Jun 16, 2014
    I think those wing things are for pulling back the draping fabric. To give the piece a more modern up-do pick out some cool contemporary fabric and skirt it again….Just a thought…Have fun!
  • Susi Schuele Susi Schuele on Jun 16, 2014
    Yes, they are Elizabeth. This is a photo from the Sears catalog in 1937.
    comment photo
  • Karen Graham Karen Graham on Dec 31, 2014
    I kmow you posted this months ago, but I just ran across it.Thanks for posting the picture from Sear's catalog. I have my grandma's dressing table with the original "apple green" paint on it that she used. I had redone it as a home project for extra credit in my high school home ec class, by painting it beige and making a new brown/beige print skirt. That was many years ago and the skirt is long gone and I've since sanded off some of the beige paint letting the original green "chip" through again. I use it every day with the original glass top still intact and my grandaughters are already fighting over it! Lol!
  • Susi Schuele Susi Schuele on Jan 05, 2015
    That's a pretty cool story! Thanks for sharing with me!