Can I paint a new wooden toilet seat?
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Just for those who keep saying toilet seats are $10 or $15. Maybe the ones you use are, but I buy pretty good quality with some features like "slow close" and easily removable for thorough it only makes sense to repaint instead of adding more to the landfill...
I am 57 and we just downsized to a home with 2 bathrooms ~ one for stinky messy hubby 😄 and one JUST FOR MEEEE! (between living at home as a kid, sharing apartments in my late teens/ early 20s, getting married, having kids, having kids MOVE BACK HOME, I've always shared one, so I get to do WHATEVER I WANT (I sound like a selfish brat ha) and I want a pink bathroom full of bling and pearls and shiny and glittery and I'm even going to paint my toilet seat PINK! Thank you very much for providing the instructions! I just have to make sure not to sand the seat itself TOO roughly