Can I paint over indoor paint with Thompson water seal to make it las?
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polyvine would work or similar sealant do I don’t see why Thompson’s wouldn’t. However I would do a test to make sure it doesn’t yellow it.
Not recommended. You cant use a stain or exterior seal over a interior latex. Better off to repaint when needed
Typically, indoor paint does not need sealing. Using an eggshell, satin, or semi-gloss paint sheen makes it easier to clean and last longer.
Hello De, NO, it will not work, The hydrophobic properties of Water Seal will negatively affect the adhesion of any paint applied over it. Can Water Seal be applied to painted surfaces? No. Water Seal can only be used on bare and uncoated brick, stone or concrete.
Check out this link for better sealants to use,,before%20applying%20another%20light%20coat.
No. Water Seal can only be used on bare and uncoated brick, stone or concrete.
That is from their website:
No, so sorry,
Never mix a water-based waterproofing paint additive with oil-based paint, as this will ruin the paint.
There are generally two ways to waterproof water-based paint. You can brush on a coat of simple clear waterproofing sealer, or you can stir in a paint additive before you begin the application process. If you choose to brush on a sealer, the process is as simple as dipping and brushing. However, if you want to go the other route, there are a few things you need to know before you get started.
Work in an environment above 50 degrees Fahrenheit. Clean the surface you are working on thoroughly before applying the paint.
Pour the latex paint in a five-gallon bucket.
Pour in the waterproofing paint additive in a 1-to-4 ratio (the additive should represent 20 percent of the total paint volume, or 1 gallon of additive to four gallons of paint).
Stir the paint with a wooden stir stick for at least four full minutes. Apply the paint to your surface.
no it is not advised nothing I found says to do this
No, but you shouldn't have to seal a painted door inside. If you have concerns about the paint, in a bathroom for example, you could ask the paint shop what kind of paint would be best.
Hello. The water seal feature would prevent any kind of penetrating factor of applications on top of it.
You can use a water based polyurethane. If this is outdoors, it will take a beating regardless but in that case, look for an outdoor sealer.