How can I remove paint from a wine bottle?
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Paint thinner.
Try rubbing alcohol, nail polish remover or WD 40 before moving on to stronger chemicals. If you did not prime the bottles, chances are it might just peel off in a sink full of hot water and dish soap. Submerge the bottles.
Hi Joni, It really depends on what kind of paint you used the first time. But, if it was water-based paint, you could wash it with soap and hot water.
HOT Water and place a couple of dryer sheets into the water, then submerge your wine bottle...let soak, depending on the type of paint it may peel off easily. Hope this works. If all else fails, drink another bottle of wine and start over! :)
What type paint did you use? Acrylic, glass paint, spray?
I used an acrylic primer spray
What kinda paint is it?
Steel wool soap pads.