How to spray paint plastic flower pots
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I use rustoleum spray paint from Walmart. I put them inside a cardboard box or on newspaper held down with rocks and spray them while outside. Be sure to have good ventilation with any spray. I seldom if never spray paint inside the house.
I like the krylon for plastic furniture. I has seemed to hold up pretty well.
I use Rustoleum 2X Ultra most of the time, and I bought a spray paint handle that makes spary painting so much easier. I simply clean the plastic pots well and then spray paint them.
I suggest looking for paint specifically made for plastic.
Krylon for plastic, turn pots upside down on some newspaper and spray, let dry completely.
I’ve had excellent success with spray paint that are labeled agreeable with plastic. Check your options at the store display.
These plastic planters were ugly olive green ( leave behind with house sale) and refurbished with Rustoleum satin lagoon ( teal blue) and they have had good coverage and duribility over several seasons in the direct sun. I can personally vouch for Rustoleum plastic friendly paint
Here is the tips recommended by Rustoleum
Always work in a well-ventilated area. Cover the floor and nearby items with a drop cloth. Lightly scuff any glossy surfaces and wipe clean with a lint-free cloth. Use Painter’s tape to hide any surfaces you don’t want to paint.
Using slow, back-and-forth motions, spray paint each item with several light coats of spray paint, making sure to overlap each stroke slightly. Apply 2-3 coats of spray paint, waiting a few minutes in between each coat.
Let spray paint dry for approximately 1 hour before handling.
Tip: Use of 2X Ultra Cover Primer in White provides better paint coverage and color.
rustoleum and Krylon both offer spray paint for plastic.Apply to light coats allowing them to dry in between,seal with a clear UV Protector
rustoleum and Krylon both offer spray paint for plastic.Apply to light coats allowing them to dry in between,seal with a clear UV Protector
rustoleum and Krylon both offer spray paint for plastic.Apply to light coats allowing them to dry in between,seal with a clear UV Protector