What color would be best to paint the granite around my fireplace?

  27 answers
  • Dawn Dawn on Sep 27, 2018

    I love the granite but would change the wall color☺

  • William William on Sep 27, 2018

    I also love the granite. Very expensive stone. Paint the walls or even the mantle.

  • Joanne lueke Joanne lueke on Sep 27, 2018

    I too love the granite. If I had granite anywhere in my house I would never paint it. I would paint the wall behind it. IMHO.

  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on Sep 28, 2018

    Hi there, Sorry, but would never paint Granite, but if it doesn't go with your decor then you could cover it with a board the same size and paint or decorate that to your taste. (hold in place with command strips)? Best of luck!

    • See 1 previous
    • Ded33805851 Ded33805851 on Sep 28, 2018

      All that is needed is a fire retardant board as the base. Then you are not in violation. I did this in my home and then used a mosaic design with colorful stone and glass. Grouted the color of fire box.

  • TaKenya Hampton TaKenya Hampton on Sep 28, 2018

    While I have painted granite before (i guess i am not the majority) i wouldn't in this case. I would get some of that faux brick type board and cover it and do white or textured brick look there. Particularly if you are married to the wall color, which is beautiful by the way.

  • Kauai Breeze Kauai Breeze on Sep 28, 2018

    Paint won't stick to the smooth surface, and some will soak into the crevices in the stone and you will never be able to make it look good again. I would maybe add a gray/brown glaze (light they put on kitchen cabinets and furniture to age it) to the very bright white mantle to soften the look of the two.

  • Cindy Ptak Cindy Ptak on Sep 28, 2018

    Your granite is gorgeous, and compliments the wall color. Use gray and burnt orange accents in your room and celebrate those colors, they are unique and yet totally modern!

  • Kelly Denoyer Russell Kelly Denoyer Russell on Sep 28, 2018

    I’m going to join everyone else in saying I think it’s a big mistake. Kinda like people in the past covered wood floors with carpet or linoleum and today we remove that and “say what were they thinking?!”

  • S S on Sep 28, 2018

    Try painting the mantle and surround to change your look. I think that is the real problem with this area. The white or cream is too stark for the dark granite and the accent paint. I love the burnt orange! But the white has to go. Pick a tone in the granite and paint the surround and I think it will make the granite fade back and look very rich and elegant. Don’t paint the granite....please😭😫

  • Susan K Mullins Susan K Mullins on Sep 28, 2018

    The granite is lovely, I wouldn’t paint it at all. The wall color would be what I would change.

  • Paint won't stick to granite. Especially if you ever intend to use the fireplace. It will bubble and peel

  • Val Val on Sep 28, 2018

    I think it would wonderful to pick up a color from the granite and incorporate it into your already gorgeous color scheme, maybe some highlights in the white around fireplace. I wouldn't touch that granite. From a safety standpoint, the last thing you want is to not be up to code or have a fire issue.

  • Ella Frierson Bond Ella Frierson Bond on Sep 28, 2018

    Love the granite. Don't like the wall color!

  • Lol34017412 Lol34017412 on Sep 28, 2018

    Paint the walls in an off white. If u still don’t like it paint the mantle.

  • Angel Baker Angel Baker on Sep 28, 2018

    Naturally, this is only my opinion & I'm not a professional, I just prefer the natural stone. ~ Most of the time, the natural stone looks so much better. Don't paint it at all. If you want to freshen it up, look for some sort of a polish for natural stone. It should be cheaper than paint, easier than paint & if you or any future owners decide the natural stone would look better, you won't have to deal with removing the paint. If you just want to cover the stone, maybe buy drywall. You might be able to attach it with double sided tape or put a hook in the ceiling & walls to tie it down. The drywall can be painted any color you'd like, can be repainted if you change your mind & if you or any future owners want to switch back to the natural stone, just take down the drywall. ~ Good luck with whatever you chose.

  • Angel Baker Angel Baker on Sep 28, 2018

    P.S. ~ Besides leaving the stone natural ... you could always sand the mantel to its natural wood color & put some sort of a gloss / protectant on it. I think that the natural stone with the natural wood would look pretty amazing!

  • Lisa Lisa on Sep 28, 2018

    I understand your problem with the color of the granite. It looks like you're using white as your accent color in this room, which is why your mantle is white, as well as your drapes. You've received a bunch of advice so far, so I'm not sure what I can add to it. But I'll tell you my favorite would be to cover the granite with a fire retardant board, attaching it with something like command strips. Paint the board with solid black stove paint. It's not as busy. You also would have the option of covering the board with tile or stone. Let us know what you decide on. I'm really curious!

  • Mogie Mogie on Sep 28, 2018

    Don't paint that beautiful granite. Paint the wall and the mantle. That will make a dramatic change. But your granite is so pretty it would be a shame to cover that with paint.

  • MEG MEG on Sep 28, 2018

    I must say that I agree with the other remarks in not painting the granite. The problem is not the granite or the wall color but the mantle being stark white. Its too much of a stark contrast. Tone it down by painting the mantel a darker shade of paint. Black, brown, grey or a greige color would be a better choice and go with the colors in the granite and compliment the wall color.

  • Nancy Flemming Nancy Flemming on Sep 29, 2018

    It is your white mantle that is the problem. Look how good your floors and walls go with the granite. You need to take a colour out of the granite that compliments your wall colour and paint the mantle. If your mantle is real wood you could strip it down and stain same as floor. However, this looks like a fairly modern mantle and is probably made from MDF in which case you would need to paint or do a faux wood finish. Do not paint granite it is a smooth stone and you will end up with problems. Good luck.

  • DEE DEE on Sep 30, 2018

    You have a fireplace people would kill to have, DON'T PAINT IT! Do something with the wall that color isn't very good.

  • Nancy Hawley Nancy Hawley on Sep 30, 2018

    It would be a crime to paint that beautiful granite.

  • Carolyn Mccartney Carolyn Mccartney on Sep 30, 2018

    Please don't paint this beautiful granite, change the mantle color first to see if you like it better

  • Jenni Sewell Johnson Jenni Sewell Johnson on Oct 04, 2020

    I totally understand your dilemma! I have the exact same granite. Our house was built in 2006 and I just feel like it does it match today’s Decor. Could we possibly buy some of the decorative tin backsplashes that are used in kitchens and use the command strips to keep in place until we learn to appreciate the beauty of the granite? I appreciate all the comments that discourage me from painting it!

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  • Angel Angel on Feb 22, 2022

    I’m just curious on what you ended up doing because I also have a granite fireplace that I hate lol doesn’t matter what color I pick for the walls I’m not gonna like it lol

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  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on Jan 27, 2023

    Personaly I would keep the Granite, but if I wanted a change I would just lay heavy Slabs on the Hearth or change it up for Brick to tone in with walls.