What colour do I use to update shutters

Debbie Craig
by Debbie Craig
Our house has sand and salmon coloured brick (as close as I can describe). I keep looking and looking for ideas but am not sure how to compliment the brick. Also do I paint doors too?
Not even sure what to call this colour but it looks stuck in the 80’s.
Left front
Right front
  13 answers
  • Janice Janice on Jun 07, 2018

    A light turquoise/aqua for the shutters and then a couple of shades darker for your door.....or the other way around.........that is if you like aqua! :)

    Black would look good on the shutters, then the door in your favorite color.

  • Kimberly Mussachia Kimberly Mussachia on Jun 07, 2018

    Navy blue would look fantasti!

  • Offaly Offaly on Jun 07, 2018

    Depending on colours around you house a soft grey would look good with Darker grey for Door.

  • Kim Kim on Jun 07, 2018

    Navy Blue is a great contrast color for your brick. Your house would look more in balance with window boxes under the 2 left windows and shutters added to the right side window.

    I would paint the porch rail black or white (depending on your taste) and the door could be Navy Blue. A white door shows less dust though.


    • Mary Mary on Jun 07, 2018

      i dont think dark blue would look good with that color of brick.next thing is if the sun is as bad in your part of the world i as it is here it wouldnt be dark anything in very short time.i really like what you already have.maybe redo in same color.&add flower boxes for a change.i had hunter green but you would never know it now.

  • Joy30150932 Joy30150932 on Jun 07, 2018

    Head to the paint store and pick up some sample color cards to see what looks the best and what you like.

  • B. Enne B. Enne on Jun 08, 2018

    I have salmon brick. The best colours I have used are black, charcoal, khaki, dark taupe, and a green-toned gray. A grayed dark brown looks nice too.

  • B. Enne B. Enne on Jun 08, 2018

    i used the free Sherwin-Williams Color Snap app, (I really like it BTW!!!) to attempt to derive colour variations in your brick. Below is a link and screen shots of the colours suggested, if the link doesn't work. Keep in mind the lighting, and monitor differences will affect the results.

    If you like any of them, it will give you a starting point. You can then borrow a paint deck, and see how the shades work. Sometimes you may need to go one strip warmer or cooler to allow for the variations. You will notice that some of the colours are ones that I mentioned I had tried in the past.


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  • Sonja DeMoe Sonja DeMoe on Jun 19, 2018

    Same colour as the front door

  • 27524803 27524803 on Jun 19, 2018

    Black, Dark Green, Navy blue, dark Teal, a rich chocolate brown... would all look well with your house color... if you painted the brick a medium to dark gray... pick a color that goes with the stone.. then the burgundy would look good... whatever you choose... paint the garage door and railings to match.

  • Franklinrawley Franklinrawley on Jun 19, 2018

    you might go to Lowes or Home Depot and get some color chips. slip one at a time under the existing shutters and see what you and your significant other thinks.

  • Maryann Stanley Maryann Stanley on Jun 19, 2018

    how about a light blue house , what color shutters and door color should be used ?