Would it be safe to spray paint a canister set?

Beth Ladnier
by Beth Ladnier


I have an old aluminum canister set that I'd like to spray paint only the exterior of. Not the interior! Being that I'd still be using it for flour/sugar/etc. would this be a safe thing to do? I prefer to not have to buy a new set if I am able to upcycle what I already have.

  6 answers
  • Holly Lengner - Lost Mom Holly Lengner - Lost Mom on Sep 11, 2018

    Yes, you can definitely spray paint these canisters. Home Depot sells so many colors and finishes for metal. Good luck!

  • Gk Gk on Sep 11, 2018

    Before you spray paint these you should use a primer first. I have not had very good success with painting aluminum--the paint just doesn't seem to adhere well to aluminum. Because these canisters will be in your kitchen and used you want the paint to be durable. Rustoleum makes a primer specifically for aluminum. https://www.rustoleum.com/product-catalog/consumer-brands/professional/aluminum-primer-spray

    • Beth Ladnier Beth Ladnier on Sep 11, 2018

      Thanks for the tip! I was thinking I should roughen them a bit and clean real good with vinegar or alcohol before painting. I didn't know about the paint specifically for aluminum. Awesome! Thanks!

  • Absolutely, Beth. Be sure to clean them well and tape off the inside. I hope you'll share them when they're done!

  • 17335038 17335038 on Sep 11, 2018

    Gosh, thinking about coloured aluminium canisters is a blast from the past!

    Anyone else remember these drinking glasses?

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    • See 5 previous
    • 17335038 17335038 on Sep 11, 2018

      reply to Beth:

      You're welcome. It's always enjoyable to see here on Hometalk how others have restored vintage items.

      This rose gold colour was also very popular for aluminium canister sets.

      Have fun with the project.

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  • Lisa Hunt Lisa Hunt on Oct 17, 2018

    You are so lucky to have such a cool set! Painting them is a great idea! You could get some cool decals to put on before you paint, then when you peel them off the aluminum would show through. They make all kinds of amazing spray paints in various finishes like metal, stone, etc, so I am sure you can find something that will coordinate with your decor.

  • Lisa Hunt Lisa Hunt on Oct 17, 2018

    Also, I am guessing you can unscrew the knobs and paint those separately or even replace if you want.