Can I stand a metal ladder in my acrylic tub?
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Get a rug under it.
You will need to protect the tub. A towel, folded several times, under each foot of the ladder should do the job. A couple of layers of carpet padding or foam padding will also do the job. Anything that won't scratch the tub and will distribute the weight.
Better yet, a long-handled brush/roller for the main job. Go to goodwill and get a cheap shower chair to stand on for touch ups
put a non-slip carpet under the ladder
It could...Maybe put it on a couple of rubber mats or a mat with a piece of plywood on top first?
Here are some suggestions in the comments section:
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I agree with B. Enne, cushion it with vinyl/rubber, then add a layer of wood over the cushioning. You want to distribute the weight and avoid two pressure points on tbe acrylic tub's bottom.
Protect the surface.