How to paint insulated, interior, panel of garage doors?
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Garage door insulation is relatively inexpensive, replace it. By the time you buy paint it will cost more. Make your life easier, spend your time enhancing curb appeal and getting the house spotless.
Try to simplify your situation and clean them.You said they were insulated but the material was not stated.
Hi Belinda,
Are you saying that the insulation is yellowed, is there a panel over the insulation that has yellowed or is it foam insulation panels that have yellowed? If it's foam insulation or panels over the insulation, you can paint it with acrylic paint. Click on the link below for the method. I hope that helps. Wishing you the best.
You can purchase a garage door insulation kit or probably just replace the foam very inexpensively rather than painting it. If you try to paint the yellowed insulation, you'll call more attention to the door and buyers may wonder what was wrong and be wary of the home. Spray paint for foam may be fairly expensive and will likely need more than 1 coat. And all the work to tape off and keep the spray off other adjacent areas will be a LOT of work. As a retired Realtor, I know the paint will create questions in any buyers' minds. What else is covered up? Declutter your home, put away personalized items such as family photographs, religious decor, etc. Once you list your home, you want the buyer to be able to come in and envision the home as theirs and see how they might decorate it to suit their tastes. If there are a lot of personal items out in view they may focus on that rather than the actual home spaces and size.
Tar and nicotine tends to be oily. To clean the panels you will need a degreaser. You may be surprised how clean they will get you may not even have to paint.