Is it okay to paint kitchen cabinets without removing them?

by Janice
The hinges on mine are dufficult to reattach

  7 answers
  • KattywhampusLOL KattywhampusLOL on Aug 02, 2017

    If you can paint around th hinges so they don't "freeze" and not open or shut as they should, I se no reason why you can't. I think I would just use a small paint brush to do it so you are ure to not get paint on them (like one of those "think" kiddie paint brushes you can buy for a buck in a pack of various sizes at the Dollar store). Good Luck on your project and thanks for using Hometalk :)

  • Gary B Gary B on Aug 02, 2017

    Your paint is going to "Lay-down" better if you have your doors horizontal, battery drill and a phillips bit are cheap and make it so much easier

  • The finish will not be so great, you can do it, but you will probably be unhappy with the results. Get help so you can do a proper job. I would hate for you to go through all the trouble for a so so result.

  • KattywhampusLOL KattywhampusLOL on Aug 02, 2017

    oooops I typed "tink" when I meant to type "thick" .. sorry

  • Taylor.kimberly001 Taylor.kimberly001 on Aug 02, 2017

    Hello. Yes, it more than okay to paint your cabinet without removing them from the frame. But, I would like for you to keep in mind:

    1st. Make sure that you tape off the hinges so they don't get painted?

    2nd. To remove the handles so they won't get paint on them.

    3rd. Cover all your surrounding areas really good so they don't change colors (get paint on them) LOL!

    4th. Enjoy your new cabinet!! I hope that this helped you in your project. Have a good D.I.Ying!!

  • Lana Hassell Lana Hassell on Aug 07, 2017

    I did and was very happy with the results. Just be careful with your painting.