Asked on Apr 19, 2016

How to fix cracked refrigerator shelves

Sharon Seiber
by Sharon Seiber
I have a couple of plastic shelves, on the inside of the door that have cracked. I have used everything from Super Glue, Super Glue gel, etc. It's fine at first, but I suspect the cold inside the refrigerator helps it to re-crack. I thought of Liquid Nail, but my son says that won't work. Any suggestions?
  11 answers
  • Betty Betty on Apr 19, 2016
    try using e6000 glue . it is a very good glue
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Apr 19, 2016
    I would research a clear sealant glue from loctite. There are many types available . Home Depot carries a wide variety in the paint department. It dries clear just make sure you purchase the one to be used under cold temperatures as your frig.
  • Sharon Seiber Sharon Seiber on Apr 19, 2016
    Thanks Janet. We do not have a Home Depot here, but do have a Lowe's.
    • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Apr 19, 2016
      @Sharon Seiber No Home Depot? Wow I thought they were everywhereLOL. Ok Lowes hopefully will help you.
  • Are the shelves removable?
  • Pen140650 Pen140650 on Apr 19, 2016
    Yes, as Janet suggested - something like the clear flexible caulking would hold the sides of the crack together but you'd have to apply a fine line and then finesse it so it looks ok. I've tried and used soooo many different glues and it's too bad one good one doesn't work for everything. I have boxes of glues. LOL
  • William William on Apr 20, 2016
    Plastic door shelves are under a great deal of stress. Use ACRYLIC SOLVENT CEMENT and a few simple techniques to repair damaged plastic parts that would otherwise be difficult to replace. ACRYLIC SOLVENT CEMENT melts and fuses the plastic together similar as PVC glue fuses PVC plumbing pipe and fittings together. You can buy it at Sears, Ace Hardware, Lowes, etc. Remove the damaged part. The majority of parts that break are parts that can be easily removed from the refrigerator. If the part to be repaired cannot be removed from the refrigerator, empty the contents of the refrigerator. Do not use solvent cements in a refrigerator that contains any food products. If repairing damage on a part that cannot be removed, unplug the refrigerator as well. Wash the damaged area thoroughly with a mixture of four teaspoons of concentrated dish washing detergent to 16 ounces of hot water. Most damage to plastic refrigerator parts comes in the form of stress cracks. Use an old tooth brush to scrub out the crack and surrounding area. Dry with a cotton rag. Fill the squeeze bottle applicator to the half way point with acrylic solvent cement. While acrylic solvent cement was originally designed for bonding acrylic together, it works on the majority of plastics used for refrigerator parts. Using the thumb and index finger, squeeze the bottle's sides until the cement level rises toward the bottle's top. Slightly release the pressure and a vacuum is formed that will prevent the cement from spilling when the bottle in tipped. Apply a thin bead of solvent cement directly into the crack. Capillary action will pull the cement into the crack. Allow the cement to dry for 30 minutes and repeat the process. Solvent cement fuses the plastic together through a chemical reaction, creating an extremely strong bond. If the crack is large or needs reinforcement, cut a piece of scrap polycarbonate to cement over the crack. Use 1/16 inch thick polycarbonate, which can be cut with heavy scissors or a utility knife. Cut a piece large enough to cover the crack and at least a ½ inch around the crack. Apply solvent cement to the scrap polycarbonate, covering the scrap plastic's surface. Place the cemented side of the polycarbonate against the crack, allow 30 minutes drying time and the project is complete. If the damaged area is coated with anything that cannot be washed off with soap and water, use 400-grit sandpaper to remove the debris. Solvent cement's effectiveness can be enhanced by sanding the area being bonded.
    • Steve Steve on Nov 03, 2020

      I'm confused. Using "ACRYLIC SOLVENT CEMENT on door shelves" are inside the refrigerator. You also say "Do not use solvent cements in a refrigerator that contains any food products." Are talking about other solvent cements in the fridge and acrylic is ok? I need to glue plastic in the food compartment.

  • Sharon Seiber Sharon Seiber on Apr 20, 2016
    Thanks, William. I'll have my son jump right on this. He will not be happy, as I tried to use Super Gluee, when he asked me to wait! ;)
  • Sharon Seiber Sharon Seiber on Apr 20, 2016
    I am going to follow the suggestions that were made here. Than ks to everyone that replied to my problem.
  • Dean McDade Dean McDade on Sep 05, 2019

    The rail in my fridge that holds the shelf fell what kind of glue should I use to glue it back to the side wall

  • Sharon Seiber Sharon Seiber on Sep 06, 2019

    I honestly don't know as I got rid of the fridge! Maybe one of the glues people are suggesting right here!

  • William William on Nov 04, 2020

    Steve. The plastic needs to be bonded not glued. Any glue will fail under the cold. Try using PVC glue. It melts the mating surfaces of PVC to create a bond.