Asked on May 19, 2014

Fix for a cracked acrylic tub liner

Lyn Webb
by Lyn Webb
I was going to have my old tub liner repainted but there a couple of cracks near the drain. A small amount of water is trapped between the liner and the old tub, so a bit of it oozes out of the cracks, so they wouldn't refinish it. Is there any way to patch the cracks? Fiberglass tape? Bondo?
  1 answer
  • Once the liner cracked there is really nothing you can do to fix it. Forget the painting also. It simply does not last. While you can try the fiberglass process, not tape, all that extra work will be short lived and it will be leaking again in short order. Replacement tubs are not all that expensive. The price of course does go up a bit if the liner is part of the wall system. Then everything needs to come out.