How do I fix my cracked carpet liner for my office chair?

by Pennymbanks
  5 answers
  • Gregg Conway Gregg Conway on May 18, 2017

    There is no good repair for these chair mats as they typically crack to age, UV exposure, and use...AND a cracked one is a safety hazard. In my 30 years as a human resources director, I have seen multiple occurrences of cracked chair mats causing chairs to overturn with resulting injuries.

    Bite the bullet and buy a new one. Be sure it is the right one for your carpet depth. The average user does not realize that the little spikes on the underside of the carpet come in different lengths and are designed to support the mat surface while in use. Don't scrimp and do some homework to make sure you get the proper mat. This will also extend the life of the mat.

  • Ronda Jaramillo Ronda Jaramillo on May 18, 2017

    Ducktape fixes everything.

  • Kim Kim on May 18, 2017

    I have had several ones that end up cracking over time. I tried the duck tape & it worked for awhile. It is just safer for everyone to just go out & buy a new one.

  • B. Enne B. Enne on May 18, 2017

    I found it easier to change the casters on my chair, to ones that roll well over a rug.

  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on Sep 01, 2022

    If you can buy new then find an off cut of carpet and use that where the chair goes.